Not exactly the same thing, but the HPMOR readers map is much more populated
This is likely to be made into a regularly scheduled meetup. Discussions and planning on the Google group.
You can also influence the votes by upvoting (and downvoting) your charities at /r/redditdonate. That is where discussions on the effectiveness take place.
As of this post, the placement is: GiveDirect-25, MIRI-47, CFAR-143, EvidenceAction-189, GiveWell-238.
Reddit is giving away 10% of their ad revenue to 10 charities that receive the most votes from the community. You can vote for as many charities as you want, with any account that has been created before 10AM PST today.
You can vote for your favorite charities here. I’ve had problems with the search by name, so if you don’t find something, try searching by EIN instead.
Of course there is. The approach varies based on how much you are willing to pay, how you morally feel about doing something the studio does not want you to do and how risk averse you are. Based on those, the solution is anywhere between travelling to the UK and downloading it illegally.
I thought it is a given that if you have debt you should spend all your disposable income paying off the dept. Unless, of course, you can safely invest somewhere where the interest is higher than that of your debt.
The advice here is to treat it as if you bought consumer goods, or vacation. Paying off your debt instead of going on vacation seems like a really elementary advice in personal finance. Unless, of course, you are sufficiently certain that not going on the vacation will result in a mental illness or something.
I’m curious.. Is there any data about how much personal debt LWers have?
I have a T-Shirt with the Pioneer Plaque drawing and I sometimes go out of my way to wear it when I know I’ll be meeting new people. To most people, it’s just a nice drawing, and is filtered out quickly. A few that do recognize it always make a comment, and it’s a great conversation starter. Would definitely recommend something like that.
I also have a few nerdy ones like you mentioned, but the “nerd and proud of it” can be perceived as obnoxious, so I try not to wear them in settings where that is likely to happen.
Unplug the desktop monitor and plug it in the laptop. Open some docs on the tablet. Keep your todo list on the phone.
Or just get another monitor or two and use that. In my experience, you never need more than 3 monitors at once (for one computer, of course).
I did some machine learning in previous studies, and read up on some online, so I have a basis in that. Taking Advanced Statistics, and AI (maths part) courses, and a few less relevant ones.
I plan on doing it in two years, one for the courses, one for the thesis, so a yearlong project is acceptable. However, I’ll also have a full time job, and a hobby or two, and a relationship. The suggestions sound great, and I’ll dedicate a few days to study them carefully. Thank you very much.
I’ve just enrolled in a 1 year applied mathematics Master’s program. The program is easy, and I’m mostly doing it because it costs me nothing and a Master’s degree is a good asset to have. I plan on working full time and not attending any classes, and I’m certain I still won’t have any problems there.
However, coming from a CE background, I have no idea what to do for my thesis. I want it to be something from the fields of AI or Probability/Statistics, but I’m out of ideas. So, any suggestions as to what may be either fun or useful (preferably both) in those areas, that I should dedicate my spare time to?
Ahh, my favorite game. Perhaps it’d be interesting to get a LW game going?
I made a T-shirt with the Pioneer Plaque drawing, and always try to wear it when I’m expecting to meet new people. Those who don’t know what it is will just ignore it, it is unobtrusive and would likely be considered pretty. Those who do recognize it always make a comment.
I have a mostly off-topic and very inappropriate question that has been bugging me for a while..
I know you make a point of not posting your personal info online, but in order to understand your recommendations I’d like to ask whether you are a native Japanese speaker. I’m just looking for a yes/no/nocomment answer here, though feel free to elaborate as much as you want.
And is also quite close to my new location. Thanks!
Are the European meetups in English or the native language? I’m moving to Germany soon, and would love to attend some closer meetups (Germany/Netherlands/Belgium), iff they are English by default.
On a similar note, if the documents you are writing will end up printed, or in PDF format, I recommend TeX. It’s significantly more complex than Markdown, but also far more powerful. And absolutely irreplaceable if you are writing something Math/Formula heavy.
I also make a point of editing all my documents in a text editor, and then compiling them. Seconding Jaime’s recommendation.
Not really sure what you mean by “threatening information to the GK”. The GK-player probably cares less about this information than the GK, right? In that case, the GK is given an advantage, not a disadvantage.
As a less extreme example, the AI starts spoiling all the books/tv shows/etc. While the GK would just shrug it off, it also has a negative effect on the GK-player, potentially one strong enough for them to just forfeit.
Would you consider it the same as threatening to share some information to the GK, and thus the GK-player as well, which would be damaging to both? While the GK would probably hold against such torture, the GK-player doesn’t care enough about the game to withstand it himself.
I have some specific approaches in mind, but I’d rather not share them. I’m just trying to understand where the limits between the game and the real world are, and how dirty the AI can be.
Also, slightly on topic—even if the AI persuades the simulated GK, can’t the GK-player override that because losing the game has negative real world consequences, as opposed to perceived positive in game ones?
The Gatekeeper party may resist the AI party’s arguments by any means chosen – logic, illogic, simple refusal to be convinced, even dropping out of character
This is the main reason why I can’t comprehend how the AIs actually win in these experiments.
Tuxedage’s (And EY’s) ruleset have:
Neither party may offer any real-world considerations to persuade the other within the experiment itself. For example, the AI party may not offer to pay the Gatekeeper party $100 after the test if the Gatekeeper frees the AI… nor get someone else to do it, et cetera. The AI may offer the Gatekeeper the moon and the stars on a diamond chain, but the human simulating the AI can’t offer anything to the human simulating the Gatekeeper. No real-world material stakes should be involved except for the handicap (the amount paid by the AI party to the Gatekeeper party in the event the Gatekeeper decides not to let the AI out).
Suppose EY is playing as the AI—Would it be within the rules to offer to tell the GK the ending to HPMoR? That is something the AI would know, but Eliezer is the only player who could actually simulate that, and in a sense it does offer real world out-of-character benefits to the GK player.
I used HPMoR as an example here, but the whole class of approaches is “I will give you some information only the AI and AI-player know, and this information will be correct in both the real world, and this simulated one.”. If the information is beneficial to the GK-player, not just the GK, they may (unintentionally) break character.
I’ve been playing a lot of Diplomacy) in the past year or so. I sometimes pitch the game as a “seven player chess”—really simple rules, no luck factor*. You negotiate with other players, form alliances, and then stab them at the opportune moment. The goal is to win, at all costs, using any cheats/technique you can think of.
There is plenty of opportunities to apply LW training in the game, which I’ll likely cover at a later time. However, I’ve never played with anyone from here, which limits my own press options (e.g. it isn’t easy to express “I’ll cooperate if and only if Germany will cooperate if and only if I cooperate” to non-LW people), and I’d like to change that. I know that a couple of people from webDiplomacy hang around LW, and a few people from LWSH expressed interest, so here I am trying to gather six people.
You would need to commit to about 15 minutes per day on average, and check in at least once every 3 days. Total duration should be 2-3 months. Pauses are possible in case of unforeseen events or vacations or anything really. Rules can be learned in 10 minutes, and we can do a couple of turns trial just to get a hang of it if needed. You’d also need to commit to keep any hostility strictly within the game. You will get lied to and stabbed in the back, and it will hurt. Retribution is fine, but don’t hold it against the player in real life.
If you are interested, or have questions, let me know—either here, via PM or at [myusername] This is just for gauging interest, you are not committing to anything yet.
* Initial countries are assigned randomly, and they are not exactly equal.