
Karma: 6,631

Fun With The Tab­ula Muris (Se­nis)

sarahconstantin20 Sep 2024 18:20 UTC
24 points
0 comments8 min readLW link

The Great Data In­te­gra­tion Schlep

sarahconstantin13 Sep 2024 15:40 UTC
241 points
13 comments9 min readLW link

Fun With CellxGene

sarahconstantin6 Sep 2024 22:00 UTC
30 points
2 comments7 min readLW link

AI for Bio: State Of The Field

sarahconstantin30 Aug 2024 18:00 UTC
71 points
2 comments15 min readLW link

LLM Ap­pli­ca­tions I Want To See

sarahconstantin19 Aug 2024 21:10 UTC
100 points
5 comments8 min readLW link

All The Lat­est Hu­man tFUS Studies

sarahconstantin9 Aug 2024 22:20 UTC
46 points
2 comments8 min readLW link

Mul­ti­plex Gene Edit­ing: Where Are We Now?

sarahconstantin16 Jul 2024 20:50 UTC
69 points
6 comments7 min readLW link

Su­perba­bies: Put­ting The Pie­ces Together

sarahconstantin11 Jul 2024 20:40 UTC
213 points
37 comments10 min readLW link

The In­cred­ible Fen­tanyl-De­tect­ing Machine

sarahconstantin28 Jun 2024 22:10 UTC
151 points
26 comments7 min readLW link

Per­mis­sions in Governance

sarahconstantin2 Aug 2019 19:50 UTC
53 points
12 comments8 min readLW link

The Costs of Reliability

sarahconstantin20 Jul 2019 1:20 UTC
153 points
13 comments3 min readLW link2 reviews

Book Re­view: Why Are The Prices So Damn High?

sarahconstantin28 Jun 2019 19:40 UTC
61 points
7 comments8 min readLW link

Cir­cle Games

sarahconstantin6 Jun 2019 16:40 UTC
84 points
15 comments4 min readLW link1 review

Peck­ing Order and Flight Leadership

sarahconstantin29 Apr 2019 20:30 UTC
43 points
18 comments3 min readLW link

The Forces of Bland­ness and the Disagree­able Majority

sarahconstantin28 Apr 2019 19:44 UTC
132 points
27 comments3 min readLW link2 reviews

De­grees of Freedom

sarahconstantin2 Apr 2019 21:10 UTC
103 points
31 comments11 min readLW link