I’ll preface this with: what I’m saying is low confidence—I’m not very educated on the topics in question (reality fluid, consciousness, quantum mechanics, etc).
Nevertheless, I don’t see how the prison example is applicable. In the prison scenario there’s an external truth (which prisoner was picked) that exists independent of memory/consciousness. The memory wipe just makes the prisoner uncertain about this external truth.
But this post is talking about a scenario where your memories/consciousness are the only thing that determines which universes count as ‘you’.
There is no external truth about which universe you’re really in—your consciousness itself defines (encompasses?) which universes contain you. So, when your memories become more coarse, you’re not just becoming uncertain about which universe you’re in—you’re changing which universes count as containing you, since your consciousness is the only arbiter of this.
I’m honestly really skeptical of the cost effectiveness of pedestrian tunnels as a form of transportation. Asking Claude for estimates on tunnel construction costs gets me the following:
A 1-mile pedestrian tunnel would likely cost $15M-$30M for basic construction ($3,000-$6,000 per foot based on utility tunnel costs), plus 30% for ventilation, lighting, and safety systems ($4.5M-$9M), and ongoing maintenance of ~$500K/year.
To put this in perspective: Converting Portland’s 400 miles of bike lanes to tunnels would cost $7.8B-$15.6B upfront (1.1-2.3× Portland’s entire annual budget) plus $200M/year in maintenance. For that same $15.6B, you could:
Build ~780 miles of protected surface bike lanes ($2M/mile)
Fund Portland’s bike infrastructure maintenance for 31 years
Give every Portland resident an e-bike and still have $14B left over
Even for a modest 5-mile grid serving 10,000 daily users (optimistic for suburbs), that’s $10K-$20K per user in construction costs alone.
Alternative: A comprehensive street-level mural program might cost $100K-$200K per mile, achieving similar visual variety at ~1% of the tunnel cost.