Jordan Taylor(Jordan Taylor)

Karma: 213

I’m finishing up my PhD on tensor network algorithms at the University of Queensland, Australia, under Ian McCulloch. I’ve also proposed a new definition of wavefunction branches using quantum circuit complexity.

Predictably, I’m moving into AI safety work. See my post on graphical tensor notation for interpretability. I also attended the Machine Learning for Alignment Bootcamp in Berkeley in 2022, did a machine learning/​ neuroscience internship in 2020/​2021, and also wrote a post exploring the potential counterfactual impact of AI safety work.

My website: https://​​​​view/​​jordantensor/​​
Contact me: jordantensor [at] gmail [dot] com Also see my CV, LinkedIn, or Twitter.

[Question] When do al­ign­ment re­searchers re­tire?

Jordan Taylor25 Jun 2024 23:30 UTC
4 points
2 comments1 min readLW link

Iden­ti­fy­ing Func­tion­ally Im­por­tant Fea­tures with End-to-End Sparse Dic­tionary Learning

17 May 2024 16:25 UTC
57 points
10 comments4 min readLW link

Graph­i­cal ten­sor no­ta­tion for interpretability

Jordan Taylor4 Oct 2023 8:04 UTC
132 points
11 comments19 min readLW link