I was thinking about posting something exactly like this. Not sure if here, Reddit or any other community. You did. You read my mind. You even phrased my thoughts: Now I feel it.
+1 Up for an epub/mobi version.
Could you recommended the best book about this topic?
The Meme Machine by Susan Blackmore.
«Rare are those whose conception of reality is not exclusively dependent on their perception of it, who understand that there are things which you know and things which you don’t know, and in between are several doorways, of which one is called “Perception”; this door must be entered with prudence.»
I’m saving this in my personal notes. Beautiful.
Thank you, Elo. A list of books that helped you to become more rational. I don’t care about the subject.
(Excuse my english)
This is, so far, the list of books that have contributed to my enrichment as a rationalists:
[*] midly related to rationalism
[**] slightly related to rationalism
On Intelligence—Jeff Hawkins
What Do You Care What Other People Think? -Richard Feynman
**Allegro ma non tropo—Carlo Cipolla
Descartes Error—Antonio Damasio
** Sherlock Holmes Complete Canon—Arthut C. Doyle
** Freakonomics—Steven Levitt
You are not so smart—David McRaney
*Moonwalking with Einstein—J. Foer
*Mastermind—Maria Konnikova
*What Everybody is Saying—J.Navarro
*Louder than Words—J.Navarro.
**Ender’s Game—Orson S. Card
**The Martian—Andy Weir
*The Future of Mind—Michio Kaku
Predictably Irrational—Dan Ariely
Spent—Geoffrey Miller
Why Everyone else is a Hypocrite—R.Kurzban
The Moral Animal—Robert Wright
*Our Inner Ape—Franz de Waal
All Sequences—Eliezer Yudkowsky
Sequence—Science of Winning at Life—Lukeprog
The Archaeology of Mind—J.Panksepp
Sapiens—Yuval Noah Harari
Sequence—Living Luminously—Alicorn
Sequences—Yvain’s Excellent Articles
Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers—R.Sapolsky
All LessWrong—Kaj Sotala’s Posts
Origins of Human Communication—Tomasello
The Selfish Gene- Richard Dawkins
The Joy of Game Theory—P. Talwalkar
What Intelligence Tests Miss—Stanovich
The Third Chimpanzee—Jared Diamond
The Handicap Principle- Amotz Zahavi
The Mating Mind—Geoffrey Miller
The 10,000 year explosion—G.Cochran
Superintelligence—Nick Bostrom
The Body Keeps the Score—Van Der K.
Facing the Intelligence Explosion- Luke Muehlhauser
Intelligence: All That Matters. Stuart Ritchie
**Hackers and Painters. Paul Graham
Surfaces and Essences. Douglas Hofstadter
*Inside Jokes—Hurley Matthew
All Melting Asphalt Blog Posts K.Simler
The Psychology of Social Status- Cheng, Tracy
All Luke Muelhauser LessWrong Posts
The Replacing Guilt Series—N.Soares
Metaphors We Live By—George Lakoff
**Deep Thinking—Garry Kasparov
Blog -Mindlevelup—The Book
Conor Moreton 30 days of Rationality—LessWrong
Dark Lords’ Answer. E. Yudkowsky
Why Beautiful People Have More Daughters—A.Miller
Influence. Robert B. Cialdini
The Art of Thinking Clearly. R. Dobelli
Inadequate Equilibria. E. Yudkowsky
*Never Split the Difference. Chris Voss
The Elephant in the Brain.Simler.Hanson
Hive Mind-Garett Jones
**If Universe is Teeming with Aliens Where is Everybody—S.Webb
*The Edge Effect. Eric Braverman
Crystal Society. Max Harms
*Our Mathematical Universe. M.Tegmark
Visual Introduction Bayes. Dan Morris
Bayes: The Theory that would not Die. S. B. C
*Skin in the Game. Nassim Taleb
Smarter Than Us. Stuart Armstrong
Language in Thought and Action—Hayakawaw
I would like to read more books! I am ready for suggestions.
So, everybody looking where its light is plus reporting.
Where should a rationalist start learning about hypnosis? Preferably a book.