… But second, what the heck are Memory Charms doing outside the--
Right. Hogwarts. Crazies. Nevermind.
Or Quirrell, who has declared his intention to visit the restricted section, is planning to plant the book for Harry’s ‘benefit.’
… But second, what the heck are Memory Charms doing outside the--
Right. Hogwarts. Crazies. Nevermind.
Or Quirrell, who has declared his intention to visit the restricted section, is planning to plant the book for Harry’s ‘benefit.’
When you checked, did you record the chapter with the epigraph and the chapter where the line appeared in the text?
And if you did, would you share it?
I used to have this problem a lot more than I do now.
It’s possible the change is just the result of the aging chemistry of my body, but I like to think that the thing that turned it around was literally telling myself, “I want to be the kind of person who is cool with having done that.” I had to accept the thing that had happened and had to become the kind of person that would accept it.
Or maybe I just had to age. It’s possible that’s why I don’t do a lot of the things I used to find myself unable to stop doing.
No, what “stirred up so much hostility” was you’re suggestion that we censor people for being “unmarketable”.
Thanks. It’s rather obvious once you point it out. Not the first time my self-centeredness has blinded me to the real reason people were cross with me, won’t be the last.
Censorship is necessary. The poison that kills your garden and undermines your movement won’t always be the new blood or the outsider. Sometimes it will be someone you respect who steps out of bounds.
If there was a time turner involved, why do the issues with Harry’s sleep schedule persist even after he gets to Hogwarts and gains a time-turner of his own?
For the same reason his response persist even when the abuse no longer does: he’s been conditioned.
If someone spent a two-hour period of time abusing Harry and then time-turnering it away every day, wouldn’t he get tired two hours early nstead of two hours late? That is to say, wouldn’t his sleep cycle appear to be 22 hours instead of 26?
It goes the other way. See, while he was being abused for two hours a day that no one else experienced, he was experiencing 26 hour days when everyone else was experiencing 24 hour days. So his body adjusted to that.
I can’t imagine that Harry, after having been through this event, gives even one iota of a shit about any of those things. When you declare war on the underlying fabric of reality, petty things like dark wizards, magical castles, and star systems really just aren’t relevant in the grand scheme of things.
If you can read things like, “He may have damaged His Father’s Rock.” and not realize that it’s not to be taken seriously--
Actually, that’s an unfair assumption. You might be ignoring the humor intentionally. I don’t know to what end you would do so, but that doesn’t mean you don’t. I’d like to hear how that tool works out for you, if it does much, if you don’t mind.
If you are blind to the humorous intent then I don’t really have anything to tell you about it that you don’t already know. I’m sure that if that were the case that you’d already be aware that people pity you.
He only stepped in it because its a hot-button political topic, much like abortion.
When someone is controversial for the sake of being controversial, it would be foolish for them to not anticipate consequences like no longer being accepted in mainstream company. Or ever company one or two standard deviations of ‘daring’ away from the mainstream in some cases.
I get that it take bravery to do this kind of thing. (Or it could take foolishness. I’m not saying that’s what happened here, but I wouldn’t tell someone who believed to to be so that I had strong reason to believe they were wrong: I don’t know the guy.) But being brave isn’t a free pass to not deal with the consequences.
And sometimes those consequences mean you aren’t able to do as much good (or as much whatever you want) as you otherwise might.
He took that risk in writing it. This site is taking a risk in continuing to associate with him. I am making the choice not to take the risk of reminding anyone not involve in Less Wrong that I read stuff here and sometimes post a trifle bit.
As an experiment, ask yourself how many dollars a rape is worth, how many dollars should be paid to prevent one. I suspect many of the posters in that thread will simply refuse to give a numerical answer. This is a clear indicator of mindkill.
Actually, thinking you can simplify and generalize human behavior down to rules like that is a clear indicator of mindkill.
Let me break it down differently, not like anyone else is going to see this since they’re all in the new thread.
Person A is hurt because their authority to control sexual access to person B is violated.
Person C is hurt because their authority to control sexual access to themselves is violated.
Claiming equivalency between the injury to person A and the injury to person C is very insensitive. Hinting that person A’s suffering is greater takes a few steps further. It’s kind of dumb, too.
The people I’m talking about don’t shy away from rape. They might have, at one point, but one of them was a student to Craig Palmer, who has been rather vilified for writing a frank book on the topic. Yeah, it’s an anecdote, but it’s in answer to your anecdote for whatever that’s worth.
His inability to influence Harry through the link does not reflect an inability to influence him at all. His influencing the everloving fuck out of Harry in Defense Class.
The part where he can’t use magic on Harry is more of a poked hole in this theory, though. I can answer it, of course, but not without raising more questions. I’ll think about that one.
On the contrary, I’m already here. The decision I shared, that stirred up so much hostility, wasn’t that I was leaving. It’s that I wasn’t going to tell other people about Less Wrong.
Only one of the dozen or so people I call friends in meatspace identifies as ‘evil.’ None of the scores of friendly acquaintances I have do. It’s pretty uncommon.
No, but enough people do that it’s an important consideration.
I don’t mean that a “little guilt by association with anyone saying politically incorrect things” is enough to immediately roll back whatever one was doing. But it’s enough to reevaluate. And, on reevaluation, it added more weight to a damning line of thought that already existed.
So I’ve weighed both sides and found yours wanting. Your hostile reaction isn’t doing you any favors. In fact, it convinces me all the more that the path I’m turning away from, the one where I introduce friends to Less Wrong, was not a worthwhile path.
Thank you for the sympathetic perspective. But I do what to clarify that am not the crusader. I am one who sees the crusade coming and gets out of the way.
I have been defending a decision I made, here. It hasn’t been my convictions about good and evil or right and wrong, but rather about prudence and discretion.
I will admit that I let it get personal, but all I’ve been defending is myself.
I predict that Harry will save many or all people who ever died from oblivion with magic that reaches backward through time to capture the mind of each person at the point of their death.
I further predict that this magic will create the mechanism of magic, possibly incidentally, and be responsible for the sort of Atlantis that magical Britons believe in.
I speculate that magic and ghosts are unintended byproducts of Harry’s Afterlife Immortality Project.
Harry is an anti-death hero. Whatever villains he may encounter, his enemy is death and his heroic victory will be over his true enemy.
The afterlife figures centrally in the original work in ways that are incompatible with the author’s worldview. In this way, the author incorporates important elements of the original work without betraying his convictions.
I made this prediction last April, and wish there had already been an admonishment to share predictions like the one involving 75th, yesterday.
What she gets from book sales will be a pittance compared to what her little business empire brought in over the past few years.
Yes, she has a fall back position. And that’s fine. But it doesn’t mean she didn’t lose greater things than those book sales will ever make up for.
I suppose there might be success to be had, here. There might be network opportunities. There might be opportunities for friendship and other things I value.
But the bar to entry is too high. I don’t have a strong academic background. I was once close to math. I’d hold up two cross fingers and say, “Like this.” But years, decades have come between us. My only education in philosophy is by proxy.
I don’t mean to paint a picture without hope, I’m a bright guy. I could maybe catch up if I applied myself, if I worked at it, if I let some other things slide for a while.
I just mean to turn it around. I ask myself why I keep company with people who don’t recognize how socially toxic it is to marginalize the suffering of rape victims. I ask myself if it is enough that they are one of many groups who espouse a form of self-improvement. Could it ever be enough?
I suppose it’s because the author of HP&tMoR is here, and might respond to someone’s post on the topic. And I suppose it helps, too that no one has to know I’m here, participating.
You guys really fail on the outreach. I hope that one day each and every one of you that hurts this community in that way understands the role you play in undoing something nice that could have been something beautiful. I admit to being evil, and am unashamed to look forward to your suffering.
Everyone fails at rationality due to signaling games.
Why dither when you can have both? The indiscreet have no monopoly on either intelligence or rationality.
This is an intriguing hypothesis, but are you aware that Eliezer also has this condition? I was under the impression that he was working off of his own experiences here and nothing more.
I probably heard that at some point; it’s been years since this started, now. But I expect better of him than “I get ingrown toenails and ingrown toenails don’t get enough attention from the public so I’m going to give my protagonist that problem, too.”
Also, cannon Harry didn’t have the sleep cycle problem. For the most part, there are in-universe reasons for departures from cannon other than, “That was dumb and I’m not writing a story with dumb in it.”
She was saying, “No, but it doesn’t matter. Please go on.”
I don’t object to the investigation. I object to the indiscretion.
Paula Dean’s sponsors and distributors did not cut her off because she used racial slurs. They cut her off because she was allowed to answer a question that she never should have been asked: something like, “Have you ever used the N-word and what were the circumstances?” Once she answered that honestly (which is kind of had to because it was a legal deposition), she lost marketability.
The difference between an actor and a star isn’t talent, it’s marketability.
I feel like this comes off as a bit of an ass pull. It’s the suspicious specificity that does it, I think.
It would be easy to prevent that feeling, if you care to and if it’s not just me, with a throwaway line in an earlier chapter.