I’m also working on something similar! I’ve got a landing page at
No blockchain element right now. I’d love to chat.
I’m also working on something similar! I’ve got a landing page at
No blockchain element right now. I’d love to chat.
I’m working on a project like this called
It will use assurance contracts and conditional anonymity to solve Moloch-like coordination problems.
The goal is de-risking recruitment and organizing for any project that can only make a difference with a group effort, like workplace organizing, whistleblowing, open letters, parallel institution building, breaking “tragedy of the commons” bad equilibria, formation of clubs, and anything else that needs a critical mass of participants to make an impact. It’s especially relevant for initiatives that would benefit from covert organizing in the early stages, due to retaliatory risks.
The overall ethos behind the project is to fight preference falsification and facilitate a more honest, democratic culture where everyone “puts their cards on the table”.
I’m looking for beta testers, UX/UI experts, and Product Managers to provide feedback and/or get involved. Happy to chat with anyone. DM me here or at
Ron, thanks for this retrospective. A lot of this info is incredibly useful as I think about building out
I’m running into a lot of the same challenges (mainly time constraints as it’s still a side project) but hope to make some more progress before the end of the year.
There may be collaboration potential here, so don’t hesitate to reach out. You can also find me on Twitter at @appspartacus