I’ve had similar experiences where my intuition tells me to be cautious but I could not say why. When I’ve ignored those intuitions I’ve generally paid a price. So now I do give them consideration.
In such situations it is probably good to take some time to sit back and try to identify some of the things that triggered the response. We are very good at pattern matching but also really good at filtering. Could be that intuitions like “getting bad vibes” is all about the interaction of the two.
But that is a pretty difficult task, we’re asking our self to go back and review all the details we ignored and filtered. But I suspect it is a very good thing to try doing.
I could be way off on this, but I cannot help but core here is less about complexity than it is about efficiency. The most efficient processes do all appear to be a bit simpler than they probably are. It’s a bit like watching an every talented craftsman working and thinking “The looks easy.” Then when you try you find out it was much more difficult and complicated than it appeared. The craftsman’s efficiency in action (ability to handle/deal with the underlying complexity) masked the truth a bit.