the story continued...
The XXII World Congress of Philosophy 2008 inaugurated emergency gathering to solve this philosophical zombie problem.
Chalmers: We must find the neural correlates of consciousness.
Searle: No, lock them up in the Chinese room and see if they “understand” Chinese.
Kim: No, we must find the condition for these zombies to supervene consciousness again.
Putnam & Fodor: No, we should make consciousness to be not reducible to physics. Let’s make these philosophical zombies multiply realizable!
Paul & Patricia Churchland: It’s all over, everyone. Folk psychology is completely lost in them. They are all goners...
Turing: First thing is first. Make them write a Turing test and let’s see if they are zombies or not.
McGinn: Fuck it. Chalmers is right. We cannot solve the Hard Problem of consciousness.
the story continued...
The XXII World Congress of Philosophy 2008 inaugurated emergency gathering to solve this philosophical zombie problem.
Chalmers: We must find the neural correlates of consciousness.
Searle: No, lock them up in the Chinese room and see if they “understand” Chinese.
Kim: No, we must find the condition for these zombies to supervene consciousness again.
Putnam & Fodor: No, we should make consciousness to be not reducible to physics. Let’s make these philosophical zombies multiply realizable!
Paul & Patricia Churchland: It’s all over, everyone. Folk psychology is completely lost in them. They are all goners...
Turing: First thing is first. Make them write a Turing test and let’s see if they are zombies or not.
McGinn: Fuck it. Chalmers is right. We cannot solve the Hard Problem of consciousness.