“I wish for everything written on this scroll.” Or some variation thereof that more exactly expresses that general idea.
Karma: 33
- HawisherSep 16, 2012, 5:12 AM3 pointsin reply to: Alicorn’s comment on: Rationality Quotes September 2012
And “lesswrong.com″ just went from my bookmarks to my speed dial. Anyway, I would like to say that rather than your hypothetical and “ideal” retort of “MLK was the good kind of criminal,” I would prefer the more sophisticated response you put forth for other situations, but more generalized: “I fail to see how that is relevant.”
“But… but… abortion is MURDER!” (Please note that I am against abortion for reasons I categorically refuse to discuss due to several harrowing experiences on spacebattles.com forums, although this site seems much more civil) “I fail to see how that is relevant.”