Language itself is part of the self-awareness program. The statements of a language don’t make sense unless it has a context of the speaker itself in relation to whatever it is speaking to. It’s a way to express the functions of one’s own algorithms. If you say speaking a language is a form of communication, then you might even argue that quantum superposition is a form of communication too if you break down language this way. What’s to say the difference between consciousness and physical phenomenon. One of the downsides to being human is that we don’t know how to think without language. Even if we do, we wouldn’t know how to express that type of thinking to people who share languages. When we say people share a language, there are still minuscule differences between the individuals and their own language model. The concept of consciousness thus breaks down even further when you take away the boundaries that separate things in our own language models.
A note on my presentation style: I’m rather concise and leave out too much explanation. I’m not as much trying to explain an idea as more of trying to provide one train of thoughts on the subjects that would possibly entertain exploration. When you write a book, you put all your ideas you have at the time down at once. When you engage in a discussion, the topics are always ongoing. It’s a different style of exploration and participation.
The ones who matter wouldn’t care anyways.