These questions are way too ‘Eureka!‘/trivia for my taste. The first question relies on language specifics and then is really much more of a ‘do you know the moderately weird sorting algs’ question than an actual algorithms question. The second involves an oddly diluting resistant test. The third, again seems to test moderately well known crypto triva.
I’ve conducted ~60 interviews for Google and Waymo. To be clear, when I or most other interviewers I’ve seen say that a question covers ‘algorithms’ it means that it covers algorithm design. Ex. how do you find all pairs in an array whose sum is a given value? Such a question can be answered in several different ways, and the ‘best’ way involves using some moderately interesting data structures.
I’m super curious what kind of rubric you use in grading these questions.
knot shirt, force under door, pull
twist knob back and forth for hours, slowly wearing through a hole
kick down door
rip out teeth, use to scratch through door
text owner
call police
call friends to open door
hire locksmith
air duct
ply away floorboards
give up concern with the door
smash phone, cut through door
hack through electronic door with phone
order pizza to door
post criminal pictures from phone, include locations (SWAT self)
break apart phone, use wires and battery to burn hinge
break phone, use screen protector as ‘credit card trick’
rope ladder using clothes
feed shredded clothes through lock as a long thread, yank door knob out of door
break through wall with kicks
scream for help
fashion battery into key using teeth
add water to door hinges periodically, wait for rust
log back on to video game from respawn point
wait for release from good behavior
scratch through wood, waiting for nails to grow back
purchase building, order demolition
Dig out (use tooth to dig out small section of floor, then small section of floor can be used to dig further)
use teeth to scratch through hinges
use the internet to escape into video games
pee repetitively on the wood, weakening it to break through
wait, there is a decent probability the property will change hands over the next 10 years and be inspected
use teeth to dig around hinges to collapse door
go out the door that is not locked
unlock the latch
enter the key code
I’m in the room, so it’s not empty’ and leave via the logical contradiction
program as a job via the phone, acquire sufficient money to buy the property
make a lash out of untied clothing and teeth, use it to wear through doors
plant sufficient incriminatory evidence to get a drone strike called just nearby, leave through wreckage
remotely pilot drone purchased on amazon and wired up via task rabbit to unlock door
hire task rabbit to unlock the door
start fire using battery and wetted cloth threads near door, triggering fire alarm and emergency door unlock
climb out via punching through ceiling
spread reports that building is condemned, hire contractor to demolish building, escape via wreckage
launch gofundme for ransom to kidnappers
persuade kidnappers I am on their side, and should be released
step over the door (it is a locked doggie door)