The place just re-opened in a new location one shop over with a revamped menu. This alone would be reason enough for to come.
The.thing that gets me is in movies or books or whatever. When they do the thing that makes no sense but holds the plot together my brain screams. Not “hold in that’s too stupid to exist” my brain says, “Oh, thia is a movie about stupid people doing stupid things” For example in my head in the movie Avatar was about some incompotent division of a mineing corp useing mickeymoused old bootleg clones to try to mine a terrible little planted off in some desolate corner of nowhere before I they get shut down on safety violations
I am going to have to agree to time limiting the rounds, while the discussion was fun, I totally woulda won if you guys didn’t have time to pick appart my hasty yet brilliant gambit. I am sad though, the meetup was awsome and I had lots of fun. That is the worst outcome for me as I will likely never be able to attend again due to schedualing.
We will be glad to have you, I can’t take full credit for organizeing though. If you or anyone else has any questions you can get ahold of me at “James” (951) 5296184.