I think some of these are really neat and interesting ideas. I will keep them in mind, but also encourage you to think about whether you might actually be the best fit for this project (as far as I know no one has done it so far but you, it’s hard for people to absorb one anothers’ models and enthusiasms, I doubt we will get a ton of applicants).
Karma: 7
- ClaireZabel 23 Jul 2021 5:05 UTC6 pointsin reply to: Tomás B.’s comment on: Open Philanthropy is seeking proposals for outreach projects
I have the same problem. Often, if I have food scraps I expect will smell bad, I put it into a gallon-sized ziplock bag, then close that, then put that in the trash, which I find helps (and is less gross to me than taking the whole bag of trash outside then having to replace the bin liner more frequently).