Isn’t it also not “hot and sunny” in the evening? Couldn’t you run right before sundown, or in the dark with reflectors on streets with lights?
I am just asking because I had the same problem, until I realized that I just liked the idea of working out in the morning, not actually working out in the morning. I wanted to be one of those people who works out at the crack of dawn. By accepting that I am just not one of those people, and working out at lunch and in the evening, I am working out a lot more than when I kept telling myself that “tomorrow I will get up at 5 to workout.”
Also, telling yourself you are just going to run for ten or fifteen minutes can get you over the akrasia hump. And running a mile or two is better than none.
Maybe you could claim that men don’t look down on men who date bimbos...But then again as Laurie6 pointed out, theres that pesky other 50.6% of the population that you are in fact including when you say we.
And based on personal experience, many women look down on men who date bimbos just as much they look down on men who date teenagers.