Worth noting that you can easily obtain N-Acetyl Cysteine (e.g. from Amazon), which is an effective antidote to paracetamol toxicity (and the mechanism suggests it can be taken preventatively).
Based on some experiences that transgender people I know have had, it seems like a change in sex hormones can change their d/s orientation. Also, age seems to push people more towards sexual dominance.
I would be especially curious to know about groups with high conscientiousness and openness to experience.
Possibly startup-culture people?
The part that’s going to really get to Hermione is the fact that someone (original Quirrell) was killed for her sake.
I don’t think there are enough people who have tried it and then gone back to being monogamous for there to be a consensus—but there are a few people who have, for example, Patri Friedman.
I would guess that these people will find monogamy more satisfying after going back to it.
Also, I’m curious if hybrid vigor might give people of mixed descent some advantages, as well.
Vitamin K2. Vitamin K1 is produced by plants, and K2 is produced by animals and bacteria. They have very different functions in the human body, and you need them both. Supplements and fortified food are almost always K1, unless you look for K2 specifically.
Vitamin K2 is necessary for some proteins which modulate calcium in your body. Supplementing it has been found to protect both against osteoporosis and heart/artery calcification.
I’m in a similiar situation—been studying math, but looking to get a programming job. I’ve been using the well-accliamed Cracking the Coding Interview book to prepare for interviews. If you’re interested, I would be happy to trade advice, review, or questions.
Right now, I think the main thing I need to work on is building up my network. I’ve done most of djm’s suggestions already.
Yeah, it fills up to fast—it starts feeling uncomfortably full after just one or two days for me.
So having it every other day might be worth a try. I guess the main issue is that if we have them too often, it will clutter up /r/discussion.
It might also be worth talking to David Zureick-Brown (co-founder of MO) about this (and maybe other things). He’s already interested in MIRI’s work.
Mormons don’t practice polygamy anymore, and they haven’t for a long time (except for small ‘unofficial’ groups). Most Mormons I know feel pretty weird about it themselves.
Maybe that is true in many cases, but even so, it still is a bad thing to optimize for. The outside view says that most of the time, having your percentage of positive karma steadily decreasing means the quality of your comments are getting worse. If you want to be controversial and still be taken seriously, you need to signal your competence in less controversial areas.
According to the CDC, the leading causes for death for children aged 5-9 (in 2012 in the United States) are:
Unintentional injury
Malignant neoplasm (aka cancer)
Congenital disorders
Heart disease
If we solved aging, it seems likely we could eliminate or significantly reduce deaths from cancer, congenital disorders and heart disease.
Once we look at the 10-14 age bracket or above, suicide makes it into the top five causes of death until age ~50 and above.
We can also look at the leading causes of unintentional injury. For the 5-9 age bracket, we have
Motor vehicle accidents
Unintentional suffocation
Other land transport injuries
Traffic accidents seem likely to be solvable to a large degree with self-driving car technology. Not as sure about the others. It’s worth noting that the primary cause of unintentional injury deaths for adults is unintentional poisoning. This was surprising to me; I would guess it’s mostly due to drug use.
Generally, dark arts should be avoided for decision theoretic reasons—essentially you are defecting on the prisoner dilemma.
I wouldn’t be too surprised if the hypothesis is true for unmodified humans, but for systems in general I expect it to be untrue. Whatever ‘understanding’ is, the diagonal lemma should be able to find a fixed point for it (or at the very least, an arbitrarily close approximation) - it would be very surprising if it didn’t hold. Quines are just an instance of this general principle that you can actually play with and poke around and see how they work—which helps demystify the core idea and gives you a picture of how this could be possible.
I got one this year! I didn’t get one last year, and someone else ended up getting very sick as a direct consequence… :(
Seems unlikely, given the existence of things like quines), and the fact that self-reference comes pretty easily. I recommend reading Godel Escher Bach, it discusses your original question in the context of this sort of self-referential mathematics, and is also very entertaining.
Not suggesting anything like that at all, just a good and interesting thing to be aware of. Especially good to have on hand if you have kids, and I think it’s probably good to take it with normal doses of paracetamol.