Inconsistent Values and Extrapolation

We might care about making inconsistent preferences and values consistent. What exactly would that mean? How can me model inconsistent values?

Additional reading: Ontological Crises in Artificial Agents’ Value Systems (De Blanc 2011), Ontology identification problem, Ontology identification problem: Technical tutorial, Diamond Maximizer.

Value ex­trap­o­la­tion, con­cept ex­trap­o­la­tion, model splintering

Model splin­ter­ing: mov­ing from one im­perfect model to another

On­tolog­i­cal Crises in Ar­tifi­cial Agents’ Value Sys­tems by Peter de Blanc

On­tolog­i­cal Cri­sis in Humans

Two More De­ci­sion The­ory Prob­lems for Humans

Us­ing vec­tor fields to vi­su­al­ise prefer­ences and make them consistent

In­fer­ring util­ity func­tions from lo­cally non-tran­si­tive preferences

Turn­ing Some In­con­sis­tent Prefer­ences into Con­sis­tent Ones