Fake PreferencesEliezer YudkowskyAug 24, 2017, 4:44 AMOn failed attempts at theories of value.Ends: An IntroductionRob BensingerMar 11, 2015, 7:00 PM17 points0 comments4 min readLW linkNot for the Sake of Happiness (Alone)Eliezer YudkowskyNov 22, 2007, 3:19 AM108 points108 comments3 min readLW linkFake SelfishnessEliezer YudkowskyNov 8, 2007, 2:31 AM76 points72 comments2 min readLW linkFake MoralityEliezer YudkowskyNov 8, 2007, 9:32 PM117 points105 comments2 min readLW linkFake Utility FunctionsEliezer YudkowskyDec 6, 2007, 4:55 PM71 points63 comments4 min readLW linkDetached Lever FallacyEliezer YudkowskyJul 31, 2008, 6:57 PM91 points43 comments7 min readLW linkDreams of AI DesignEliezer YudkowskyAug 27, 2008, 4:04 AM41 points61 comments5 min readLW linkThe Design Space of Minds-In-GeneralEliezer YudkowskyJun 25, 2008, 6:37 AM45 points84 comments3 min readLW link