Situational Awareness Summarized

An attempt to summarize Leopold Aschenbrenner’s recent report, Situational Awareness.

Disclaimer: As of a few weeks ago, I work for the Machine Intelligence Research Institute. Some of MIRI’s basic views regarding AI policy can be found here, and Rob Bensinger wrote a short response to the piece here. I consider Rob’s response representative of the typical MIRI take on Leopold’s writeup, whereas I’m thinking of this sequence as “my own personal take, which may or may not overlap with MIRI’s.” My questions and opinions (which I relegate to the end of each post in the sequence) don’t necessarily reflect MIRI’s views.

Si­tu­a­tional Aware­ness Sum­ma­rized—Part 1

Si­tu­a­tional Aware­ness Sum­ma­rized—Part 2