Monthly Algorithmic Problems in Mech Interp

This sequence collects all the monthly algorithmic problems in mechanistic interpretability, which have been created to go alongside the first chapter of ARENA material.

An invite to the Slack group can be found here: https://​​​​t/​​arena-la82367/​​shared_invite/​​zt-1uvoagohe-JUv9xB7Vr143pdx1UBPrzQ.

Mech In­terp Challenge: Au­gust—De­ci­pher­ing the First Unique Char­ac­ter Model

Mech In­terp Challenge: Septem­ber—De­ci­pher­ing the Ad­di­tion Model

Mech In­terp Challenge: Oc­to­ber—De­ci­pher­ing the Sorted List Model

Mech In­terp Challenge: Novem­ber—De­ci­pher­ing the Cu­mu­la­tive Sum Model

Mech In­terp Challenge: Jan­uary—De­ci­pher­ing the Cae­sar Cipher Model