The Math of Geometric Utilitarianism

This is a companion sequence to the main Geometric Utilitarianism sequence, where I go into more mathematical detail about the results described there. Check out Geometric Utilitarianism (And Why It Matters) to hear more about what Geometric Utilitarianism is and why I think it’s interesting and useful!

Prov­ing the Geo­met­ric Utili­tar­ian Theorem

Deriv­ing the Geo­met­ric Utili­tar­ian Weights

Gra­di­ent As­cen­ders Reach the Harsanyi Hyperplane

In­di­vi­d­ual Utilities Shift Con­tin­u­ously as Geo­met­ric Weights Shift

Ex­pected Utility, Geo­met­ric Utility, and Other Equiv­a­lent Representations