We have a number of volunteers for this, and we’re very grateful to those of you who have volunteered! But we could really use about twice that number of people. You can help us raise the sanity waterline this way—either by volunteering or by pointing another LWer toward this. But we need people soon since the first minicamp is in just a week. So please, help us make a more sane world by helping us develop tools that will keep our efforts honest. Thank you!
We have a number of volunteers for this, and we’re very grateful to those of you who have volunteered! But we could really use about twice that number of people. You can help us raise the sanity waterline this way—either by volunteering or by pointing another LWer toward this. But we need people soon since the first minicamp is in just a week. So please, help us make a more sane world by helping us develop tools that will keep our efforts honest. Thank you!
Don’t ask for full names and allow other interviewing means than Skype, and you’ll get more volunteers.