“Participants were also given an attention check.
For this, participants were shown a list of
activities (e.g., biking, reading) directly below the following
instructions: “Below is a list of leisure activities. If you are
reading this, please choose the “other” box below and type
in ‘I read the instructions’”. This attention check proved
rather difficult with 35.4% of the sample failing (N = 99).
However, the results were similar if these participants were
excluded. We therefore retained the full data set.”
I liked this part:
“Participants were also given an attention check. For this, participants were shown a list of activities (e.g., biking, reading) directly below the following instructions: “Below is a list of leisure activities. If you are reading this, please choose the “other” box below and type in ‘I read the instructions’”. This attention check proved rather difficult with 35.4% of the sample failing (N = 99). However, the results were similar if these participants were excluded. We therefore retained the full data set.”