But since then, you’ve concluded that being queer isn’t actually something (at least some people, like me) differentially approve of.
I’m not sure what I wrote that gave you this idea. I do think that queer people approve of being queer. What I’m talking about when I say “approval” is preferences that are ego-syntonic, that are line with the kind of person they want to be. Most queer people consider their preference to be ego-syntonic. Being queer is the kind of person they want to be and they would not change it if they could. Those who do not are usually motivated by mistaken religious ideas, rather than clearly reasoned disapproval.
What I am trying to say is that being queer is a statement about what people want to do. When we say that someone is queer that means that they have a desire to engage in romantic and sexual relationships that are different from the heterosexual norm. This desire is ego-syntonic, it is approved of.
Being deaf, by contrast, is a statement about what people are able do. They lack the ability to hear things.
If you removed someone’s deafness, none of their desires would change. They would still want everything they wanted before they were deaf. If they were really attached to their current lifestyle they could buy earplugs. By contrast, if you changed a queer person into a straight person, they would stop wanting to have non-heteronormative relationships. They’d be able to continue their current lifestyle (or at least, as able as anyone is in a heteronormative society), but they wouldn’t want to.
There are some people who claim that they prefer being deaf to being able to hear, and that being deaf is ego-syntonic. I believe that they are confused. I think what they really value isn’t being deaf, it’s the community that they have built with other deaf people. They are confusing their preference to display loyalty to their community with with a preference to not be able to hear. In addition I think they are confused for some other reasons:
Sour grapes. When people are unable to do something, they often convince themselves they didn’t want to do it anyway in order to assuage their ego.
Confusing “life could be better” with “life is not worth living.” As I said before, a lot of disability rights advocates seem to think that if you admit that their disability makes their life even slightly worse, that means their life is not worth living at all and they should be euthanized. This is not true.
Happy death spirals around their community. They love their community and want to say more and more good things about it. So they say that their community is so awesome that living in it is worth being significantly less good at sensing one’s surroundings.
To sum it up, I believe that being queer is an ego-syntonic desire. I believe that being deaf is not ego-syntonic, but people say it is out of a desire to have self-esteem and be proud of and loyal to the deaf community.
I’m not sure what I wrote that gave you this idea.
(nods) Months later, neither am I. Perhaps I’d remember if I reread the exchange, but I’m not doing so right now.
Regardless, I appreciate the correction.
And much like Vaniver below (above? earlier!), I am unsure how to translate these sorts of claims into anything testable.
Also I’m wary of the tendency to reason as follows: “I don’t value being deaf. Therefore deafness is not valuable. Therefore when people claim to value being deaf, they are confused and mistaken. Here, let me list various reasons why they might be confused and mistaken.”
I mean, don’t get me wrong: I share this intuition. I just don’t trust it. I can’t think of anything a deaf person could possibly say to me that would convince me otherwise, even if I were wrong.
Similarly, if someone were to say ” I believe that being queer is not ego-syntonic. I know people say it is, but I believe that’s because they’re confused and mistaken, for various reasons: x, y, z” I can’t think of anything I could possibly say to them to convince them otherwise. (Nor is this a hypothetical case: many people do in fact say this.)
And much like Vaniver below (above? earlier!), I am unsure how to translate these sorts of claims into anything testable
One thing I consider very suspicious is that deaf people often don’t just deny the terminal value of hearing. They also deny its instrumental value. The instrumental values of hearing are obvious. This indicates to me that they are denying it for self-esteem reasons and group loyalty reasons, the same way I have occasionally heard multiculturalists claim behaviors of obvious instrumental value (like being on time) are merely the subjective values of Western culture.
The typical defense of this denial (and other disability-rights type claims) is hearing only has instrumental value because society is structured in a way that makes use of it. But this is obviously false, hearing would be useful on a desert island, and there are some disabilities that society is not technologically capable of solving (there’s no way to translate instrumental music into sign language). Plus, structuring society around disabilities is essentially having society pay to enable a person instead of having biology do it for free. Obviously it’s better than not accommodating them, but it;s even better to have biology do the accommodation for free if that is possible.
I think another factor is simply my knowledge of the human brain structure, and the psychological unity of humankind. It seems like it would be a much smaller departure from standard brain design to switch the specific target of the “romance” module of the brain, than it would be to completely erase all desire to enjoy the pleasures that a sense of hearing can provide us, and to assign terminal value to being inconvenienced by things like not being able to talk to people who aren’t in your visual range.
I think another thing that supports my intuitions is Bostrom’s Reversal test. Imagine instead of discussing giving a preexisting sense to people who lack it, we were considering giving people a new sense that no human being has ever had before. Should we do that? If there were no side effects, I would say yes! As I told Vaniver in my reply to them, I really want to be able sense magnetic fields. Seeing infrared and ultraviolet would also be fun. The fact that my intuitions are the same in the Reversal Test provides evidence that they are not based on the Status Quo Bias.
I think some parallels still go through, if you consider the difference between “sex is for recreation!” (the queer-friendly view) and “sex is for procreation!” (the queer-unfriendly view). I don’t see anyone claiming that heterosexual sex never leads to babies, but I do see a lot of people trivializing the creation of babies.
It looks to me as if you may be mixing up being queer and preferring to be queer. It’s true that people tend to find themselves approving the way they actually are, but (as you actually acknowledge) there are queer people who would much prefer not to be queer, perhaps for very bad reasons, and I think there are also not-queer people who would prefer to be queer (I think I’ve seen, a few years ago on LW, a discussion of the possibility of hacking oneself to be bisexual).
I would say (in terms of the want/like/approve trichotomy already referenced) that what defines a person as queer is that they want and like sexual/romantic relationships that don’t fit the traditional heteronormative model. Approving or disapproving of such relationships is a separate matter. If tomorrow someone convinces Dave that fundamentalist Christianity is correct then he may start disapproving of queerness and wishing he weren’t queer, but he still will be.
It may well be, as you suggest, that approval is actually a more important part of your personality than wants and likes, but that doesn’t mean that everything needs to be understood in terms of approval rather than wants and likes.
But does not wanting to change indicate that Dave’s queerness is really more about approving than about wanting and liking? I don’t think so. If someone pointed a weird science-fiction-looking device at me and announced that it would rewire my brain to make me stop wanting-and-liking chocolate and start wanting-and-liking aubergines, I would want them not to do it—but I don’t (I’m pretty sure) approve of liking chocolate and disliking aubergine any more than I do of the reverse. It’s just that I don’t want someone rewiring my brain. It seems very plausible to me that Dave’s queerness might be like my liking for chocolate in this respect.
I also wonder whether we’re at risk of being confused by the variety of meanings of “approve”. Perhaps that trichotomy needs to be a tetrachotomy or something. In particular, I don’t think “affectively endorsing the idea of oneself having quality Q” is the same thing as, e.g., “intellectually endorsing the idea of people in general having quality Q”, and when we talk about something like “approving of being queer” with the first meaning—which I think is the only relevant one here—there’s a danger of sounding as if we intend the second.
I agree that preferring being deaf seems likely to be the result of confusion and affective death spirals and whatnot. But … It seems quite possible to me that the following things might be true of some deaf person (let’s call her Debbie): (1) Debbie gets great benefits from being part of the deaf community. (2) If Debbie ceased to be deaf—especially if she did so by her own choice—and other deaf people discovered this, it would be awkward and would impair her ability to fit into that community. (3) That impairment would harm her more than ceasing to be deaf would help her. (4) Ceasing to be deaf and hiding the fact from others in the community would be psychologically disturbing for her and involve the risk of even greater ructions if found out. (4) That risk would also be, for Debbie, worse than the benefit of ceasing to be deaf. Therefore (5) Debbie would be better off remaining deaf, even if some simple and effective treatment were available to her. None of that means that being deaf is better in the abstract; it means that one can get into a situation where it’s better to stay deaf. (If it seems absurd on general principles that having greater abilities could ever be harmful on net, then go and read e.g. The Strategy of Conflict by Thomas Schelling, which contains plenty of counterexamples.)
(3) That impairment would harm her more than ceasing to be deaf would help her.
That’s the core claim that leads to everything else and the first question that pops into my head is: How do you (or anyone) know? Notably, I am not sure that Debbie is going to be able to make a good judgement in this case, plus there is a self-fulfilling prophecy element in here, too.
Oh, and for a fun exercise in mindkilling try substituting “on welfare” for “is deaf” X-/
I don’t. That’s why all I said was that it seems possible that it (along with those other things) might be true of some people. Community is really important to many people. Finding a new community and getting well integrated into it can be difficult. That seems sufficient to make it likely that for some people staying part of an important community they’re in could be overwhelmingly important.
try substituting “on welfare”
I’m not sure what point you’re making, but for what it’s worth the people I know who are on welfare don’t appear to me to constitute a being-on-welfare community. Perhaps I know the wrong ones?
[EDITED to add:] Oh, wait, maybe you were making a less specific analogy and remarking that some people on welfare can be made worse off if, e.g., they get a job. True enough, but nothing about that seems terribly relevant to the present discussion.
Being deaf, by contrast, is a statement about what people are able do. They lack the ability to hear things.
It seems to me that most people lack the ability to be aroused by people—typically, their ability is seriously limited, to half of the population at most.
I believe that they are confused. I think what they really value isn’t being deaf, it’s the community that they have built with other deaf people. They are confusing their preference to display loyalty to their community with with a preference to not be able to hear.
I suspect that most, if not all, queers have a preference to be queer (if they do) for this reason. But it’s not clear to me how to even test this one way or the other—even if one asked the hypothetical question “if there were a pill to make you straight, would you take it?” that puts one into far-mode, not near-mode, and it’s very possible that people will pick answers to please the community of potential romantic partners. (If you say “yes, I’d like to be straight,” that’ll increase your attractiveness to opposite-sex partners, but not actually increase their attractiveness to you!)
(I have thought, at times, ‘how convenient to be gay, since I probably would get along much better with men than women!’, but I can’t claim that I would choose to be gay for that reason, starting from emptiness. Why not bisexuality? Why not asexuality?)
It seems to me that most people lack the ability to be aroused by people—typically, their ability is seriously limited, to half of the population at most.
When I was talking about being queer I wasn’t just talking about the experience of being aroused, I was talking about the desire to have that experience, and that experience being egosyntonic. It’s fairly easy to rephrase any preference a person has to sound like an ability or lack thereof. For instance, you could say that I lack the ability to enjoy skinning people alive. But that’s because I don’t want to skin people alive, or to enjoy it! That’s a terminal value, the buck stops there.
Some other factors to consider:
Even if I was to define “being aroused” as an ability, that doesn’t perfectly map onto the discuss. In the case of removing deafness we are adding an ability. In the case of changing queerness to heterosexuality, we are either removing an ability to find some people arousing and replacing it with a different one (in the case of homosexuals) or removing an ability and replacing it with nothing (in the case of bisexuals).
Arousal has very little instrumental value compared to hearing. Even if someone with the power of hearing took no pleasure from music or people’s voices they would still benefit from being able to hear people talk outside of their visual range, and to hear cars coming when they cross the street. I can see deaf people denying the terminal benefits of hearing, but denying the instrumental ones seems obviously crazy.
I can’t claim that I would choose to be gay for that reason, starting from emptiness.
Starting from emptiness you would be completely indifferent to everything, including changes to your future preferences. To paraphrase Eliezer, you would be a rock, not a perfectly impartial being.
At some point you just have to say “These are my terminal values, the buck stops here.”
Now, while I would not say it is impossible to create a creature that assigns a terminal value to deafness, I find it unlikely that humans are such creatures. The way human psychology works makes me assign a much higher probability to their being self-deceived for group status purposes.
When I was talking about being queer I wasn’t just talking about the experience of being aroused, I was talking about the desire to have that experience, and that experience being egosyntonic.
Then I see how your claim that most queers are egosyntonic flows through, but it seems like reversing the order of how things go. I visualize the typical experience as something like “id wants X → ego understands id wants X → superego approves of id wanting X,” with each arrow representing a step that not everyone takes.
At some point you just have to say “These are my terminal values, the buck stops here.”
I agree, but I observe that there’s a difficulty in using egosyntonicity (which I would describe as both wanting X and wanting to want X) without a clear theory of meta-values (i.e. “I want to want X because wanting X is consistent with my other wants” is what it looks like to use consistency as a meta-value).
Starting from emptiness you would be completely indifferent to everything, including changes to your future preferences. To paraphrase Eliezer, you would be a rock, not a perfectly impartial being.
I was unclear—I meant emptiness with regards to sexual orientation, not values in general. One could imagine, say, someone who wants to become a priest choosing asexuality, and someone who wants to get ahead in fashion design choosing to be gay, someone who wants to have kids naturally choosing to be heterosexual, and so on. If you kept all of my values the same and deleted my sexual orientation, what would regrow? Compare to the “if you deleted all proofs of the Pythagorean Theorem from my mind, would I be able to reinvent it?” thought experiment.
(Since we are talking about values instead of beliefs, and it’s not obvious that values would ‘regrow’ similar to beliefs, it may be clearer to consider counterfactual mes of every possible sexual orientation, and comparing the justifications they can come up with for why it’s egosyntonic to have the orientation that they have. It seems some of them will have an easier time of it than others, but that all of them will have an easy enough time that it’s not clear I should count my justification as worth much.)
it may be clearer to consider counterfactual mes of every possible sexual orientation, and comparing the justifications they can come up with for why it’s egosyntonic to have the orientation that they have.
I think that maybe all of them would be perfectly justifying in saying that their sexual orientation is a terminal value and the buck stops there.
On the other hand, I’m nowhere near 100% sure I wouldn’t take a pill to make me bisexual.
If you kept all of my values the same and deleted my sexual orientation, what would regrow?
I think a way to help tease out your intuition would be Bostrom’s reversal test. If transhumanist scientists invented a new kind of sexual orientation, a new kind of sexual experiences, and so on, would you want to be modified to be able to enjoy this new, never before seen type of sex. I don’t know how you’d reply, for me it would probably be yes or no, depending on specific details of the new kind of sex.
I think the reason I would sometimes say yes is that I have a strong preexisting preference for novelty and novel experiences. So my desire for new sexual preferences would grow out of that.
Incidentally, Bostrom’s reversal test also supports my intuitions about deafness. If transhumanists invented new senses that no human has ever had before, would I want to have them if there were no side effects? Of course I would! I especially want to be able to sense magnetic fields like sharks can.
I’m not sure what I wrote that gave you this idea. I do think that queer people approve of being queer. What I’m talking about when I say “approval” is preferences that are ego-syntonic, that are line with the kind of person they want to be. Most queer people consider their preference to be ego-syntonic. Being queer is the kind of person they want to be and they would not change it if they could. Those who do not are usually motivated by mistaken religious ideas, rather than clearly reasoned disapproval.
What I am trying to say is that being queer is a statement about what people want to do. When we say that someone is queer that means that they have a desire to engage in romantic and sexual relationships that are different from the heterosexual norm. This desire is ego-syntonic, it is approved of.
Being deaf, by contrast, is a statement about what people are able do. They lack the ability to hear things.
If you removed someone’s deafness, none of their desires would change. They would still want everything they wanted before they were deaf. If they were really attached to their current lifestyle they could buy earplugs. By contrast, if you changed a queer person into a straight person, they would stop wanting to have non-heteronormative relationships. They’d be able to continue their current lifestyle (or at least, as able as anyone is in a heteronormative society), but they wouldn’t want to.
There are some people who claim that they prefer being deaf to being able to hear, and that being deaf is ego-syntonic. I believe that they are confused. I think what they really value isn’t being deaf, it’s the community that they have built with other deaf people. They are confusing their preference to display loyalty to their community with with a preference to not be able to hear. In addition I think they are confused for some other reasons:
Sour grapes. When people are unable to do something, they often convince themselves they didn’t want to do it anyway in order to assuage their ego.
Confusing “life could be better” with “life is not worth living.” As I said before, a lot of disability rights advocates seem to think that if you admit that their disability makes their life even slightly worse, that means their life is not worth living at all and they should be euthanized. This is not true.
If people got hit in the head with a baseball bat every day.....
Happy death spirals around their community. They love their community and want to say more and more good things about it. So they say that their community is so awesome that living in it is worth being significantly less good at sensing one’s surroundings.
To sum it up, I believe that being queer is an ego-syntonic desire. I believe that being deaf is not ego-syntonic, but people say it is out of a desire to have self-esteem and be proud of and loyal to the deaf community.
I’m not sure what I wrote that gave you this idea.
(nods) Months later, neither am I. Perhaps I’d remember if I reread the exchange, but I’m not doing so right now.
Regardless, I appreciate the correction.
And much like Vaniver below (above? earlier!), I am unsure how to translate these sorts of claims into anything testable.
Also I’m wary of the tendency to reason as follows: “I don’t value being deaf. Therefore deafness is not valuable. Therefore when people claim to value being deaf, they are confused and mistaken. Here, let me list various reasons why they might be confused and mistaken.”
I mean, don’t get me wrong: I share this intuition. I just don’t trust it. I can’t think of anything a deaf person could possibly say to me that would convince me otherwise, even if I were wrong.
Similarly, if someone were to say ” I believe that being queer is not ego-syntonic. I know people say it is, but I believe that’s because they’re confused and mistaken, for various reasons: x, y, z” I can’t think of anything I could possibly say to them to convince them otherwise. (Nor is this a hypothetical case: many people do in fact say this.)
One thing I consider very suspicious is that deaf people often don’t just deny the terminal value of hearing. They also deny its instrumental value. The instrumental values of hearing are obvious. This indicates to me that they are denying it for self-esteem reasons and group loyalty reasons, the same way I have occasionally heard multiculturalists claim behaviors of obvious instrumental value (like being on time) are merely the subjective values of Western culture.
The typical defense of this denial (and other disability-rights type claims) is hearing only has instrumental value because society is structured in a way that makes use of it. But this is obviously false, hearing would be useful on a desert island, and there are some disabilities that society is not technologically capable of solving (there’s no way to translate instrumental music into sign language). Plus, structuring society around disabilities is essentially having society pay to enable a person instead of having biology do it for free. Obviously it’s better than not accommodating them, but it;s even better to have biology do the accommodation for free if that is possible.
I think another factor is simply my knowledge of the human brain structure, and the psychological unity of humankind. It seems like it would be a much smaller departure from standard brain design to switch the specific target of the “romance” module of the brain, than it would be to completely erase all desire to enjoy the pleasures that a sense of hearing can provide us, and to assign terminal value to being inconvenienced by things like not being able to talk to people who aren’t in your visual range.
I think another thing that supports my intuitions is Bostrom’s Reversal test. Imagine instead of discussing giving a preexisting sense to people who lack it, we were considering giving people a new sense that no human being has ever had before. Should we do that? If there were no side effects, I would say yes! As I told Vaniver in my reply to them, I really want to be able sense magnetic fields. Seeing infrared and ultraviolet would also be fun. The fact that my intuitions are the same in the Reversal Test provides evidence that they are not based on the Status Quo Bias.
I think some parallels still go through, if you consider the difference between “sex is for recreation!” (the queer-friendly view) and “sex is for procreation!” (the queer-unfriendly view). I don’t see anyone claiming that heterosexual sex never leads to babies, but I do see a lot of people trivializing the creation of babies.
It looks to me as if you may be mixing up being queer and preferring to be queer. It’s true that people tend to find themselves approving the way they actually are, but (as you actually acknowledge) there are queer people who would much prefer not to be queer, perhaps for very bad reasons, and I think there are also not-queer people who would prefer to be queer (I think I’ve seen, a few years ago on LW, a discussion of the possibility of hacking oneself to be bisexual).
I would say (in terms of the want/like/approve trichotomy already referenced) that what defines a person as queer is that they want and like sexual/romantic relationships that don’t fit the traditional heteronormative model. Approving or disapproving of such relationships is a separate matter. If tomorrow someone convinces Dave that fundamentalist Christianity is correct then he may start disapproving of queerness and wishing he weren’t queer, but he still will be.
It may well be, as you suggest, that approval is actually a more important part of your personality than wants and likes, but that doesn’t mean that everything needs to be understood in terms of approval rather than wants and likes.
But does not wanting to change indicate that Dave’s queerness is really more about approving than about wanting and liking? I don’t think so. If someone pointed a weird science-fiction-looking device at me and announced that it would rewire my brain to make me stop wanting-and-liking chocolate and start wanting-and-liking aubergines, I would want them not to do it—but I don’t (I’m pretty sure) approve of liking chocolate and disliking aubergine any more than I do of the reverse. It’s just that I don’t want someone rewiring my brain. It seems very plausible to me that Dave’s queerness might be like my liking for chocolate in this respect.
I also wonder whether we’re at risk of being confused by the variety of meanings of “approve”. Perhaps that trichotomy needs to be a tetrachotomy or something. In particular, I don’t think “affectively endorsing the idea of oneself having quality Q” is the same thing as, e.g., “intellectually endorsing the idea of people in general having quality Q”, and when we talk about something like “approving of being queer” with the first meaning—which I think is the only relevant one here—there’s a danger of sounding as if we intend the second.
I agree that preferring being deaf seems likely to be the result of confusion and affective death spirals and whatnot. But … It seems quite possible to me that the following things might be true of some deaf person (let’s call her Debbie): (1) Debbie gets great benefits from being part of the deaf community. (2) If Debbie ceased to be deaf—especially if she did so by her own choice—and other deaf people discovered this, it would be awkward and would impair her ability to fit into that community. (3) That impairment would harm her more than ceasing to be deaf would help her. (4) Ceasing to be deaf and hiding the fact from others in the community would be psychologically disturbing for her and involve the risk of even greater ructions if found out. (4) That risk would also be, for Debbie, worse than the benefit of ceasing to be deaf. Therefore (5) Debbie would be better off remaining deaf, even if some simple and effective treatment were available to her. None of that means that being deaf is better in the abstract; it means that one can get into a situation where it’s better to stay deaf. (If it seems absurd on general principles that having greater abilities could ever be harmful on net, then go and read e.g. The Strategy of Conflict by Thomas Schelling, which contains plenty of counterexamples.)
That’s the core claim that leads to everything else and the first question that pops into my head is: How do you (or anyone) know? Notably, I am not sure that Debbie is going to be able to make a good judgement in this case, plus there is a self-fulfilling prophecy element in here, too.
Oh, and for a fun exercise in mindkilling try substituting “on welfare” for “is deaf” X-/
I don’t. That’s why all I said was that it seems possible that it (along with those other things) might be true of some people. Community is really important to many people. Finding a new community and getting well integrated into it can be difficult. That seems sufficient to make it likely that for some people staying part of an important community they’re in could be overwhelmingly important.
I’m not sure what point you’re making, but for what it’s worth the people I know who are on welfare don’t appear to me to constitute a being-on-welfare community. Perhaps I know the wrong ones?
[EDITED to add:] Oh, wait, maybe you were making a less specific analogy and remarking that some people on welfare can be made worse off if, e.g., they get a job. True enough, but nothing about that seems terribly relevant to the present discussion.
Yes—or that they believe they’ll be made worse off. Not terribly relevant, true, that’s why it was a side remark.
It seems to me that most people lack the ability to be aroused by people—typically, their ability is seriously limited, to half of the population at most.
I suspect that most, if not all, queers have a preference to be queer (if they do) for this reason. But it’s not clear to me how to even test this one way or the other—even if one asked the hypothetical question “if there were a pill to make you straight, would you take it?” that puts one into far-mode, not near-mode, and it’s very possible that people will pick answers to please the community of potential romantic partners. (If you say “yes, I’d like to be straight,” that’ll increase your attractiveness to opposite-sex partners, but not actually increase their attractiveness to you!)
(I have thought, at times, ‘how convenient to be gay, since I probably would get along much better with men than women!’, but I can’t claim that I would choose to be gay for that reason, starting from emptiness. Why not bisexuality? Why not asexuality?)
When I was talking about being queer I wasn’t just talking about the experience of being aroused, I was talking about the desire to have that experience, and that experience being egosyntonic. It’s fairly easy to rephrase any preference a person has to sound like an ability or lack thereof. For instance, you could say that I lack the ability to enjoy skinning people alive. But that’s because I don’t want to skin people alive, or to enjoy it! That’s a terminal value, the buck stops there.
Some other factors to consider:
Even if I was to define “being aroused” as an ability, that doesn’t perfectly map onto the discuss. In the case of removing deafness we are adding an ability. In the case of changing queerness to heterosexuality, we are either removing an ability to find some people arousing and replacing it with a different one (in the case of homosexuals) or removing an ability and replacing it with nothing (in the case of bisexuals).
Arousal has very little instrumental value compared to hearing. Even if someone with the power of hearing took no pleasure from music or people’s voices they would still benefit from being able to hear people talk outside of their visual range, and to hear cars coming when they cross the street. I can see deaf people denying the terminal benefits of hearing, but denying the instrumental ones seems obviously crazy.
Starting from emptiness you would be completely indifferent to everything, including changes to your future preferences. To paraphrase Eliezer, you would be a rock, not a perfectly impartial being.
At some point you just have to say “These are my terminal values, the buck stops here.”
Now, while I would not say it is impossible to create a creature that assigns a terminal value to deafness, I find it unlikely that humans are such creatures. The way human psychology works makes me assign a much higher probability to their being self-deceived for group status purposes.
Then I see how your claim that most queers are egosyntonic flows through, but it seems like reversing the order of how things go. I visualize the typical experience as something like “id wants X → ego understands id wants X → superego approves of id wanting X,” with each arrow representing a step that not everyone takes.
I agree, but I observe that there’s a difficulty in using egosyntonicity (which I would describe as both wanting X and wanting to want X) without a clear theory of meta-values (i.e. “I want to want X because wanting X is consistent with my other wants” is what it looks like to use consistency as a meta-value).
I was unclear—I meant emptiness with regards to sexual orientation, not values in general. One could imagine, say, someone who wants to become a priest choosing asexuality, and someone who wants to get ahead in fashion design choosing to be gay, someone who wants to have kids naturally choosing to be heterosexual, and so on. If you kept all of my values the same and deleted my sexual orientation, what would regrow? Compare to the “if you deleted all proofs of the Pythagorean Theorem from my mind, would I be able to reinvent it?” thought experiment.
(Since we are talking about values instead of beliefs, and it’s not obvious that values would ‘regrow’ similar to beliefs, it may be clearer to consider counterfactual mes of every possible sexual orientation, and comparing the justifications they can come up with for why it’s egosyntonic to have the orientation that they have. It seems some of them will have an easier time of it than others, but that all of them will have an easy enough time that it’s not clear I should count my justification as worth much.)
I think that maybe all of them would be perfectly justifying in saying that their sexual orientation is a terminal value and the buck stops there.
On the other hand, I’m nowhere near 100% sure I wouldn’t take a pill to make me bisexual.
I think a way to help tease out your intuition would be Bostrom’s reversal test. If transhumanist scientists invented a new kind of sexual orientation, a new kind of sexual experiences, and so on, would you want to be modified to be able to enjoy this new, never before seen type of sex. I don’t know how you’d reply, for me it would probably be yes or no, depending on specific details of the new kind of sex.
I think the reason I would sometimes say yes is that I have a strong preexisting preference for novelty and novel experiences. So my desire for new sexual preferences would grow out of that.
Incidentally, Bostrom’s reversal test also supports my intuitions about deafness. If transhumanists invented new senses that no human has ever had before, would I want to have them if there were no side effects? Of course I would! I especially want to be able to sense magnetic fields like sharks can.