Require new top-level posts to use a tag that indicates which facet of LW’s interest it lies with. So each new post would have to choose on (or maybe more) of tags like “bayes”, “selfimprovement”, “philosophy”. So, if I think that Lesswrong should really dedicate itself to the study of Victory and nothing else, I might read only posts with selfimprovement tags.
I think he’s actually speaking of a fixed, required taxonomy field, rather than free-tagging (to abuse Drupal terminology).
Free tagging is nice, but there’s no way to structurally collapse the terms into a hierarchy, so that one can just browse “self improvement”—which might include akrasia, health, and improving personal rationality skills as subtopics.
there’s no way to structurally collapse the terms into a hierarchy, so that one can just browse “self improvement”—which might include akrasia, health, and improving personal rationality skills as subtopics.
You could have a system where the tag “akrasia” is marked as a subtag of “self-improvement”, so that any article tagged with “akrasia” is implicitly tagged with “self-improvement”.
structurally collapse the terms into a hierarchy, so that one can just browse “self improvement”—which might include akrasia, health, and improving personal rationality skills
I think this is also one of the arguments for subfora.
Require new top-level posts to use a tag that indicates which facet of LW’s interest it lies with. So each new post would have to choose on (or maybe more) of tags like “bayes”, “selfimprovement”, “philosophy”. So, if I think that Lesswrong should really dedicate itself to the study of Victory and nothing else, I might read only posts with selfimprovement tags.
You mean a system like tagging?
There already is a tag system (you can see the links on the right). Do you want it to be more prominent?
I think he’s actually speaking of a fixed, required taxonomy field, rather than free-tagging (to abuse Drupal terminology).
Free tagging is nice, but there’s no way to structurally collapse the terms into a hierarchy, so that one can just browse “self improvement”—which might include akrasia, health, and improving personal rationality skills as subtopics.
You could have a system where the tag “akrasia” is marked as a subtag of “self-improvement”, so that any article tagged with “akrasia” is implicitly tagged with “self-improvement”.
I think this is also one of the arguments for subfora.