Thanks for buying more paperclips, you’re a good human.
To answer your question, if I entropized a human and later found out that the human had contained information or productive power that would have, on net, been better for paperclip production, I will evaluate the reasoning that led me to entropize that human, and if I find that I can improve heuristics in a way that will avoid such killings without also preventing a disproportoinate amount of papeclip production, then I will implement that improvement.
Thanks for buying more paperclips, you’re a good human.
To answer your question, if I entropized a human and later found out that the human had contained information or productive power that would have, on net, been better for paperclip production, I will evaluate the reasoning that led me to entropize that human, and if I find that I can improve heuristics in a way that will avoid such killings without also preventing a disproportoinate amount of papeclip production, then I will implement that improvement.