Related: The monkey and the machine by Paul Christiano. (Bottom-up processes ~= monkey. Verbal planner ~= deliberator. Section IV talks about the deliberator building trust with the monkey.)
A difference between this essay and Paul’s is that this one seems to lean further towards “a good state is one where the verbal planner ~only spends attention on things that the bottom-up processes care about”, whereas Paul’s essay suggests a compromise where the deliberator gets to spend a good chunk of attention on things that the monkey doesn’t care about. (In Rand’s metaphor, I guess this would be like using some of your investment returns for consumption. Where consumption would presumably count as a type of dead money, although the connotations don’t feel exactly right, so maybe it should be in a 3rd bucket.)
Related: The monkey and the machine by Paul Christiano. (Bottom-up processes ~= monkey. Verbal planner ~= deliberator. Section IV talks about the deliberator building trust with the monkey.)
A difference between this essay and Paul’s is that this one seems to lean further towards “a good state is one where the verbal planner ~only spends attention on things that the bottom-up processes care about”, whereas Paul’s essay suggests a compromise where the deliberator gets to spend a good chunk of attention on things that the monkey doesn’t care about. (In Rand’s metaphor, I guess this would be like using some of your investment returns for consumption. Where consumption would presumably count as a type of dead money, although the connotations don’t feel exactly right, so maybe it should be in a 3rd bucket.)