It seems that many physicists are strongly biased to deterministic theories, and that this is a prime selling point for MWI. So we have a configuration space that comprises every possible state of the universe. And we have a wavefunction over that space which evolves deterministically. So game over: there is no novelty in the universe. There is no meaningful distinction between past, present or future; they are just points on the trajectory through the configuration space, any one of which is completely determined by any other along with the universal wave equation. How boring. I think this is more of a bug than a feature.
I’ve already said a little about what kind of interpretation I prefer. It’s along the lines of Lande’s theory. Realistic interpretation of the wavefunction; reality as a single point in configuration space, and random time evolution under the influence of the wave equation.
It seems that many physicists are strongly biased to deterministic theories, and that this is a prime selling point for MWI. So we have a configuration space that comprises every possible state of the universe. And we have a wavefunction over that space which evolves deterministically. So game over: there is no novelty in the universe. There is no meaningful distinction between past, present or future; they are just points on the trajectory through the configuration space, any one of which is completely determined by any other along with the universal wave equation. How boring. I think this is more of a bug than a feature.
I’ve already said a little about what kind of interpretation I prefer. It’s along the lines of Lande’s theory. Realistic interpretation of the wavefunction; reality as a single point in configuration space, and random time evolution under the influence of the wave equation.