Physiologically, the body can keep going for a long time if it is healthy and well maintained.
The body needs good nutrition (“real food”, adequate water), physical activity to maintain function and enough sleep.
Meet these conditions and your workers should be able to keep on going, but what’s your definition of “work”?
Agrarian based work (for some) is already every day, all year. As many hours as can be worked, are worked.
Anyone that enjoys their work, that has a drive to do it, can manage 15 hrs a day.
Sitting at a desk, staring at a screen, drinking a lot of coffee and eating processed food … not so good physiologically.
I am finding the phrasing “could a person be trained” is a little concerning… Who’s asking?!
An ambitious junior vice-president in a ethically dubious multinational corporation?
A pragmatic intergalactic manager wondering if Earthlings have a use more than as for fodder?
“Trained to enjoy” - I’d probably research altering the human brain to achieve that. Possibly fry a couple of appropriate synapses or find the right combination of chemicals.
Unless you start the ‘training’ at an early age—if you don’t know any different then 100 hour work week is just how it is.
Physiologically, the body can keep going for a long time if it is healthy and well maintained.
The body needs good nutrition (“real food”, adequate water), physical activity to maintain function and enough sleep.
Meet these conditions and your workers should be able to keep on going, but what’s your definition of “work”?
Agrarian based work (for some) is already every day, all year. As many hours as can be worked, are worked.
Anyone that enjoys their work, that has a drive to do it, can manage 15 hrs a day.
Sitting at a desk, staring at a screen, drinking a lot of coffee and eating processed food … not so good physiologically.
I am finding the phrasing “could a person be trained” is a little concerning… Who’s asking?!
An ambitious junior vice-president in a ethically dubious multinational corporation?
A pragmatic intergalactic manager wondering if Earthlings have a use more than as for fodder?
“Trained to enjoy” - I’d probably research altering the human brain to achieve that. Possibly fry a couple of appropriate synapses or find the right combination of chemicals.
Unless you start the ‘training’ at an early age—if you don’t know any different then 100 hour work week is just how it is.