2 hours per day seems like way too much. I work out 3x per week, 1 hour each time. (Though I did start 4x per week, 1 hour each, when I was initially losing weight). Just make sure to keep it high intensity. When I’m tempted to slack off I ask myself if I’m here to kill some time by moving around, or if I’m here to achieve a damn objective as efficiently as I can so I can get back to doing other things. If after an hour is up I’m physically capable of continuing for another hour, I obviously was just wasting my time.
2 hours per day seems like way too much. I work out 3x per week, 1 hour each time. (Though I did start 4x per week, 1 hour each, when I was initially losing weight). Just make sure to keep it high intensity. When I’m tempted to slack off I ask myself if I’m here to kill some time by moving around, or if I’m here to achieve a damn objective as efficiently as I can so I can get back to doing other things. If after an hour is up I’m physically capable of continuing for another hour, I obviously was just wasting my time.