[Meta] I hope it’s okay that I posted the new open thread. Don’t know what the procedure is, if any. I wanted to post something, but saw the last open thread was out of date. Please moderate/correct as appropriate.[/Meta]
you broke the code
Edit: Not really, anyone can make the open threads. But I’ve been doing it for a little while and I think it’s a little strange that someone else did it when I’m only two hours late. C’est la vie.
Eeep! I throw myself upon the mercy of the Prophets, including but not limited to, Yudkousky, Jaynes, and OpenThreadGuy. Please don’t excommunicate me. Or worse, karma-assassinate me.
Edit: To be clear, I didn’t mean it as a judgment against you. It wasn’t “Oh, OpenThreadGuy is late. Let me do his job for him.” It was more of a “Oh, the last open thread just expired and I wanted to post something. Let me make the new one, I don’t think anyone would mind.”
If that’s a little weird, then I happily accept the label ;)
you broke the code
Edit: Not really, anyone can make the open threads. But I’ve been doing it for a little while and I think it’s a little strange that someone else did it when I’m only two hours late. C’est la vie.
Eeep! I throw myself upon the mercy of the Prophets, including but not limited to, Yudkousky, Jaynes, and OpenThreadGuy. Please don’t excommunicate me. Or worse, karma-assassinate me.
Edit: To be clear, I didn’t mean it as a judgment against you. It wasn’t “Oh, OpenThreadGuy is late. Let me do his job for him.” It was more of a “Oh, the last open thread just expired and I wanted to post something. Let me make the new one, I don’t think anyone would mind.”
If that’s a little weird, then I happily accept the label ;)