It might be good to have a suggestion that people can’t talk if it’s not their turn
I notice I haven’t really offered a way of governing table noise, the contract system is too formal, so there’s an incentive to shout over others to get the most negotiation bandwidth. I don’t think this will result in people shouting a lot, but it may result in them failing to apprehend the incentives (ie, the game).
Maybe the rule should be, the person whose turn it is decides who can talk.
It might be good to explain why the turn timer.
Wasn’t it already explained?
Turns should be limited to 1 minute, as everything that’s tricky about real world negotiation is about the way it strains under time constraints. After 1 minute, you must carry out your choice. You don’t need to be strict about it, but it is very important. Perfection isn’t always attainable. In life, the *efficiency* of your negotiation process matters a whole lot, you don’t just want to be able to negotiate, you want to be able to negotiate fast.
Having an appropriate tolerance for error and capacity for forgiveness also matters.
Without the 1 minute rule, most of the thinking of the game will be crammed in before the first turn, which wont leave much for the rest of the game. [edited just now:] It’s easier to digest if it’s spread out. If you try to do all of your decisionmaking at once, well, that’s a lot of decisions!
Describing how to normalize points maybe good
This seems incompatible with relaxed power balancing requirements. Tightening power balance increases the design load… although an argument needs to be explored as to whether power balance is just too similar to balanced access to strategic depth for game design to separate them.
I notice I haven’t really offered a way of governing table noise, the contract system is too formal, so there’s an incentive to shout over others to get the most negotiation bandwidth. I don’t think this will result in people shouting a lot, but it may result in them failing to apprehend the incentives (ie, the game).
Maybe the rule should be, the person whose turn it is decides who can talk.
Wasn’t it already explained?
This seems incompatible with relaxed power balancing requirements. Tightening power balance increases the design load… although an argument needs to be explored as to whether power balance is just too similar to balanced access to strategic depth for game design to separate them.