You might be under the impression that the quote was written after the subreddit was founded, as an accusation against the critics there. But no, the quote came first. Eliezer wrote a quote describing a negative archetype. Some people who fit that archetype decided the quote sounded cool. They made it their rallying flag.
You people are obscenely delusional, that sidebar sarcastically links to an Eliezer Yudkowsky comment, and it is not against reddit rules to do that
You might be under the impression that the quote was written after the subreddit was founded, as an accusation against the critics there. But no, the quote came first. Eliezer wrote a quote describing a negative archetype. Some people who fit that archetype decided the quote sounded cool. They made it their rallying flag.
Why wouldn’t I take it at face value?
I knew the quote was written before the subreddit was founded, since it seemed like the “trope namer” for what they want to do.
I mod the subreddit, I’m aware of the history of the sidebar quote
Your interpretation of why we did that is incorrect
Then why did you do that?
Because it’s a funny example of Yudkowsky’s persecution complex, and therefore an amusing ironic self-appellation