Dude, anyone who uses “straight-laced” instead of “straitlaced,” as in a “straitjacket,” shouldn’t be offering stylistic and grammatical corrections. You’re trying way too hard to offer constructive criticism.
For more detail: http://eggcorns.lascribe.net/english/319/straight/
The insertion of the “gh” appears to be a common variant, though from the dictionaries I checked I cannot tell when that variant originated.
Dude, anyone who uses “straight-laced” instead of “straitlaced,” as in a “straitjacket,” shouldn’t be offering stylistic and grammatical corrections. You’re trying way too hard to offer constructive criticism.
For more detail: http://eggcorns.lascribe.net/english/319/straight/
The insertion of the “gh” appears to be a common variant, though from the dictionaries I checked I cannot tell when that variant originated.