Look at all the good Bill Gates does that I think is effective altruism and he gets vilified . It’s a weird thing. I remember watching a patriot act episode https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mS9CFBlLOcg
You’re doing something (a good thing) that we call Babble. Freely coming up with ideas that all circle around a central question, without worrying too much about whether they’re silly, important, obvious, or any of the other reasons we hold stuff back.
I’d suggest going further. Feel free to use this comment thread (or make a shortform) to throw out ideas about “why philanthropy might benefit from more (or less) cost/benefit analysis”.
We often suggest trying to come up with 50 ideas all in one go. Have at it!
Look at all the good Bill Gates does that I think is effective altruism and he gets vilified . It’s a weird thing. I remember watching a patriot act episode https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mS9CFBlLOcg
Welcome to LW, by the way :)
You’re doing something (a good thing) that we call Babble. Freely coming up with ideas that all circle around a central question, without worrying too much about whether they’re silly, important, obvious, or any of the other reasons we hold stuff back.
I’d suggest going further. Feel free to use this comment thread (or make a shortform) to throw out ideas about “why philanthropy might benefit from more (or less) cost/benefit analysis”.
We often suggest trying to come up with 50 ideas all in one go. Have at it!