To address the object-level question: no, that’s not MIRI’s full public output for the year (but our public output for the year was quite small; more on that below). The links on the media page and research page are things that we put in the spotlight. We know the current website isn’t great for seeing all of our output, and we have plans to fix this. In the meantime, you can check out our newsletters, TGT’s new website, and a forthcoming post with more details about the media stuff we’ve done recently.
To address the pertinent meta-level thing, there are a few reasons why our public output was low for the year:
A lot of MIRI’s energy this year has gone into “revving up,” including hiring new staff, spinning up those new teams, and moving into a larger office space.
The comms team has primarily been working on “rock content” projects that will be announced later.
As you mentioned, some of our work is not in the form of public output, such as engaging with policymakers.
I was expecting this to include the output of MIRI for this year. Digging into your links we have:
Two Technical Governance Papers:
1. Mechanisms to verify international agreements about AI development
2. What AI evals for preventing catastrophic risks can and cannot do
Four Media pieces of Eliezer regarding AI risk:
1. Semafor piece
2. 1 hr talk w/ Panel
3. PBS news hour
4. 4 hr video w/ Stephen Wolfram
Is this the full output for the year, or are there less linkable outputs such as engaging w/ policymakers on AI risks?
Hi, I’m part of the communications team at MIRI.
To address the object-level question: no, that’s not MIRI’s full public output for the year (but our public output for the year was quite small; more on that below). The links on the media page and research page are things that we put in the spotlight. We know the current website isn’t great for seeing all of our output, and we have plans to fix this. In the meantime, you can check out our newsletters, TGT’s new website, and a forthcoming post with more details about the media stuff we’ve done recently.
To address the pertinent meta-level thing, there are a few reasons why our public output was low for the year:
A lot of MIRI’s energy this year has gone into “revving up,” including hiring new staff, spinning up those new teams, and moving into a larger office space.
The comms team has primarily been working on “rock content” projects that will be announced later.
As you mentioned, some of our work is not in the form of public output, such as engaging with policymakers.