I honestly have no idea. It might be in Expect Resistance somewhere, which if not directly about this topic, is generally about it.
I may have been (edit: was probably) thinking about The Promise of Defeat, by Moxie Marlinspike, anarchist cyrptographer sailor extraordinaire and the author of the Signal protocol (and the original Signal app, though he’s no longer with the project).
Thank you for both links, until now I have known only textbook descriptions of the anarchist movement so it was interesting to read some of Expect Resistance aswell as the latter essay.
I honestly have no idea. It might be in Expect Resistance somewhere, which if not directly about this topic, is generally about it.
I may have been (edit: was probably) thinking about The Promise of Defeat, by Moxie Marlinspike, anarchist cyrptographer sailor extraordinaire and the author of the Signal protocol (and the original Signal app, though he’s no longer with the project).
Thank you for both links, until now I have known only textbook descriptions of the anarchist movement so it was interesting to read some of Expect Resistance aswell as the latter essay.
You’re quite welcome.