Haha—this is interesting: http://www.yourmorals.org/bigfive_process.php—for some reason—us LWers are less conscientiousness than others. I wonder why (or actually, I just noticed a sample size of 3 - I wonder if this will stand with more samples).
for some reason—us LWers are less conscientiousness than others. I wonder why (or actually, I just noticed a sample size of 3 - I wonder if this will stand with more samples).
Looks like it. Right now here’s the current graph:
To see a list of all the quizzes, see http://www.yourmorals.org/all_morality_values_quizzes.php
Haha—this is interesting: http://www.yourmorals.org/bigfive_process.php—for some reason—us LWers are less conscientiousness than others. I wonder why (or actually, I just noticed a sample size of 3 - I wonder if this will stand with more samples).
http://www.yourmorals.org/schwartz_process.php—love it how we all score 0 on traditionalism
http://www.yourmorals.org/5f_new2_process.php—we’re lower than everyone on all counts
Looks like it. Right now here’s the current graph:
Up to 63 LWers, but C is still 3.4 vs 2.8.
Now we’re a bit higher on traditionalism, but we’re still beating everyone on achievement. (what do we win?)
I rated as more Conscientious (but less agreeable and extroverted!). That may just be because I’m impressed by its importance and have worked on it.