Next Silicon’s site gives no details on their plans and they say right away on the linked page “in stealth mode”, so all I know about them is that they make chips for super computers that are not optimized for neural networks.
I’d guess that it is less risky for 40 people to go to work for Next Silicon than for one person to go into AI capability research. But it is safer still if nobody went to work for either group.
There are computing jobs that lower x-risk. One such job is to make it easier for people to publish or access information (like the people who run this site do).
Next Silicon: They make chips for super computers that are not optimized for neural networks
OK, I’ll answer, because I was asked directly.
Next Silicon’s site gives no details on their plans and they say right away on the linked page “in stealth mode”, so all I know about them is that they make chips for super computers that are not optimized for neural networks.
I’d guess that it is less risky for 40 people to go to work for Next Silicon than for one person to go into AI capability research. But it is safer still if nobody went to work for either group.
There are computing jobs that lower x-risk. One such job is to make it easier for people to publish or access information (like the people who run this site do).
I am strongly considering working at arXiv, which would make it easier for people to publish or access information.
Some say that if I make it too good, I could accidentally fix ML research which would be bad.
Any opinions?