I’m not sure if you’ll find this interesting, but I quit smoking using something like the method you are describing. Basically I labeled the craving for nicotine as an entity apart from myself—I named it “the beast”. So instead of thinking “I want a smoke” I’d think: “the beast is hungry.” This didn’t work all by itself (I had a lot of practice quitting) but it was the last of 5-6 attempts to quit and its stuck for nearly ten years now.
I’m not sure if you’ll find this interesting, but I quit smoking using something like the method you are describing. Basically I labeled the craving for nicotine as an entity apart from myself—I named it “the beast”. So instead of thinking “I want a smoke” I’d think: “the beast is hungry.” This didn’t work all by itself (I had a lot of practice quitting) but it was the last of 5-6 attempts to quit and its stuck for nearly ten years now.