@jacob_cannell is receiving a warning for mass-downvoting TekhneMakre’s content. They downvoted ~40 posts and comments in the span of 1-2 hours, with a median time between votes of 8 seconds, which indicates they didn’t read the content before voting, and the order of votes seems to correspond roughly to just the order of content on TekhneMakre’s profile. We are reverting the relevant votes. If Jacob decides to do something like this again (broadly construed), we will likely issue a multi-month ban.
@jacob_cannell is receiving a warning for mass-downvoting TekhneMakre’s content. They downvoted ~40 posts and comments in the span of 1-2 hours, with a median time between votes of 8 seconds, which indicates they didn’t read the content before voting, and the order of votes seems to correspond roughly to just the order of content on TekhneMakre’s profile. We are reverting the relevant votes. If Jacob decides to do something like this again (broadly construed), we will likely issue a multi-month ban.