We ended up talking about this in DMs, but to gist of it is:
Back in June Hoagy opened a thread in our “community research projects” channel and the work migrated there. Three of the five authors of the [eventual paper](https://arxiv.org/abs/2309.08600) chose to have EleutherAI affiliation (for any work we organize with volunteers, we tell them they’re welcome to use an EleutherAI affiliation on the paper if they like) and we now have an entire channel dedicated to future work. I believe Hoagy has two separate paper ideas currently in the works and over a half dozen people working on them.
We ended up talking about this in DMs, but to gist of it is:
Back in June Hoagy opened a thread in our “community research projects” channel and the work migrated there. Three of the five authors of the [eventual paper](https://arxiv.org/abs/2309.08600) chose to have EleutherAI affiliation (for any work we organize with volunteers, we tell them they’re welcome to use an EleutherAI affiliation on the paper if they like) and we now have an entire channel dedicated to future work. I believe Hoagy has two separate paper ideas currently in the works and over a half dozen people working on them.