Wait. I thought that was crossing the is-ought gap. As I think of it, the is ought gap refers to the apparent type-clash and unclear evidential entanglement between facts-about-the-world and values-an-agent-assigns-to-facts-about-the-world. And also as I think of it, “should be” always is short hand for “should be according to me” though possibly means some kind of aggregated thing but also ground out in subjective shoulds.
So “how the external world is” does not tell us “how the external world should be” …. except in so far as the external world has become causally/logically entangled with a particular agent’s ‘true values’. (Punting on what are an agent’s “true values” are as opposed to the much easier “motivating values” or possibly “estimated true values.” But for the purposes of this comment, its sufficient to assume that they are dependent on some readable property (or logical consequence of readable properties) of the agent itself.)
Wait. I thought that was crossing the is-ought gap. As I think of it, the is ought gap refers to the apparent type-clash and unclear evidential entanglement between facts-about-the-world and values-an-agent-assigns-to-facts-about-the-world. And also as I think of it, “should be” always is short hand for “should be according to me” though possibly means some kind of aggregated thing but also ground out in subjective shoulds.
So “how the external world is” does not tell us “how the external world should be” …. except in so far as the external world has become causally/logically entangled with a particular agent’s ‘true values’. (Punting on what are an agent’s “true values” are as opposed to the much easier “motivating values” or possibly “estimated true values.” But for the purposes of this comment, its sufficient to assume that they are dependent on some readable property (or logical consequence of readable properties) of the agent itself.)
Needs jargon
also needs jargon
wiggitywiggitywact := fact about the world which requires a typical human to cross a large inferential gap.
wact := fact about the world
mact := fact about the mind
aact := fact about the agent more generally
vwact := value assigned by some agent to a fact about the world
“local fact” vs “global fact” (to evoke local/global variables)
“local fact” vs “interoperable fact”
“internal fact” vs “interoperable fact”
“fact valence” for the value stuff