Ah. That web site throws out too many claims to investigate fully—who has the time? -- but if you google around for a sampling of them you’ll notice that they tend to crumble under scrutiny. The sections mentioning quantum mechanics are especially blatant: they’re gibberish, total incoherent misuse of terminology.
EDIT: There’s a sequence of articles called Mysterious Answers to Mysterious Questions which is relevant here. One that applies in particular is Fake Explanations, which could be summarized as “If you are equally good at explaining any outcome, you have zero knowledge.” When people talk about “etheric worlds on different frequencies”, or “energy vortices swirling faster than the speed of light on the earth plane”, what does this predict? What, concretely, does it mean? If it can explain anything, then it predicts nothing.
Did you mean to post a link here? I’m not seeing one.
Here’s the link: http://www.victorzammit.com/evidence/
Ah. That web site throws out too many claims to investigate fully—who has the time? -- but if you google around for a sampling of them you’ll notice that they tend to crumble under scrutiny. The sections mentioning quantum mechanics are especially blatant: they’re gibberish, total incoherent misuse of terminology.
EDIT: There’s a sequence of articles called Mysterious Answers to Mysterious Questions which is relevant here. One that applies in particular is Fake Explanations, which could be summarized as “If you are equally good at explaining any outcome, you have zero knowledge.” When people talk about “etheric worlds on different frequencies”, or “energy vortices swirling faster than the speed of light on the earth plane”, what does this predict? What, concretely, does it mean? If it can explain anything, then it predicts nothing.