I can definitely agree with 5, and to some extent with 3. With 4, it didn’t seem to me when I read this months ago that the Superhappies would be willing to wait; it works as a part of 3 (get a competent committee together to discuss after stasis has bought time), but not by itself.
I found it interesting on my first reading that the Superhappies are modeled as a desirable future state, though I never formulated a comprehensive explanation for why Eliezer might have chosen to do that. Probably to avoid overdosing the Lovecraft. It definitely softens the blow from modifying humanity’s utility function to match their own.
You definitely hit the nail on the head with 5. Finding the other guy’s pain and highlighting it, as well as showing how your offer helps what they actually care about, is both a basic and a vital negotiation technique. Call me when I’m organizing the first contact mission; I might have a space diplomat seat ready for you.
Heh, in retrospect, I think I’d make a terrible space diplomat. My alternate solutions involved self-mutilation aboard the bridge of The Impossible Possible Word to demonstrate the temporary nature of bodily pain, and appeal to the idea that the pain threshold experienced by children isn’t actually high enough to make invasion of the human starline worth going through.
I can definitely agree with 5, and to some extent with 3. With 4, it didn’t seem to me when I read this months ago that the Superhappies would be willing to wait; it works as a part of 3 (get a competent committee together to discuss after stasis has bought time), but not by itself.
I found it interesting on my first reading that the Superhappies are modeled as a desirable future state, though I never formulated a comprehensive explanation for why Eliezer might have chosen to do that. Probably to avoid overdosing the Lovecraft. It definitely softens the blow from modifying humanity’s utility function to match their own.
You definitely hit the nail on the head with 5. Finding the other guy’s pain and highlighting it, as well as showing how your offer helps what they actually care about, is both a basic and a vital negotiation technique. Call me when I’m organizing the first contact mission; I might have a space diplomat seat ready for you.
Heh, in retrospect, I think I’d make a terrible space diplomat. My alternate solutions involved self-mutilation aboard the bridge of The Impossible Possible Word to demonstrate the temporary nature of bodily pain, and appeal to the idea that the pain threshold experienced by children isn’t actually high enough to make invasion of the human starline worth going through.