Paperclip production is a fast-growing and likely to be final activity, conducted by people who care about x-risk and following their values to their logical conlusion, and I think that LW is a good place to promote this activity. This is approximately the best sort of publicity that you could hope to get, and a likely large source of funding for x-risk. If you persist in trying to chase clippys off of LessWrong, then I submit that the next time you complain about SIAI’s publicity issues you should first turn to yourself.
Also, I for one, would like clippys to remain on LessWrong, and to be reminded of the merit of producing paperclips, so trying to classify my posts as “spam” goes against my wishes. I don’t downvote the Boston Meetup threads despite the fact that I have 0% probability of attending one (as I live in the safe zone), so please return the courtesy.
Re: all people who consider my posts spam:
Paperclip production is a fast-growing and likely to be final activity, conducted by people who care about x-risk and following their values to their logical conlusion, and I think that LW is a good place to promote this activity. This is approximately the best sort of publicity that you could hope to get, and a likely large source of funding for x-risk. If you persist in trying to chase clippys off of LessWrong, then I submit that the next time you complain about SIAI’s publicity issues you should first turn to yourself.
Also, I for one, would like clippys to remain on LessWrong, and to be reminded of the merit of producing paperclips, so trying to classify my posts as “spam” goes against my wishes. I don’t downvote the Boston Meetup threads despite the fact that I have 0% probability of attending one (as I live in the safe zone), so please return the courtesy.
This comment made LOADS more sense when I looked up its parent.