I don’t see interest rates rising fast enough to produce a decline this sudden. This looks more like a situation where stocks with high price / earnings and price / sales rations will underperform for a decade.
I see an above-average risk of a 5% drop over the next few weeks.
I don’t see a major housing bubble in China. Their enormous savings rates and strong attachment to home ownership make it hard to compare their housing numbers to other countries. If there’s a housing slowdown, it’s more likely due to government panic than to homebuyer mistakes.
I don’t see interest rates rising fast enough to produce a decline this sudden. This looks more like a situation where stocks with high price / earnings and price / sales rations will underperform for a decade.
I see an above-average risk of a 5% drop over the next few weeks.
I don’t see a major housing bubble in China. Their enormous savings rates and strong attachment to home ownership make it hard to compare their housing numbers to other countries. If there’s a housing slowdown, it’s more likely due to government panic than to homebuyer mistakes.