I don’t think that would have solved this particular problem. Each individual person was capable enough to choose the project they choose. A lot of people worked together on the startup Metamed, and I (don’t think?) anyone regrets the experience per se—starting a company is going to be risky no matter how skilled you are, and people did in fact learn a lot from the experience.
The problem was not that some people failed, the problem was that everyone failed at the same time.
(Different people who started different companies may have different experiences, and in some cases a smaller project may have been appropriate, but it didn’t seem like the case for the company founders at least)
I don’t think that would have solved this particular problem. Each individual person was capable enough to choose the project they choose. A lot of people worked together on the startup Metamed, and I (don’t think?) anyone regrets the experience per se—starting a company is going to be risky no matter how skilled you are, and people did in fact learn a lot from the experience.
The problem was not that some people failed, the problem was that everyone failed at the same time.
(Different people who started different companies may have different experiences, and in some cases a smaller project may have been appropriate, but it didn’t seem like the case for the company founders at least)