Apart from Numerical Analysis and Parallel Computing which seem a bit out of place here (*), and swapping Bishop’s Pattern Recognition for Murphy’s ML: A Probabilistic Perspective or perhaps Barber’s freely available Bayesian Reasoning and ML, this is actually quite a nice list—if complemented with Vladimir Nesov’s. ;)
(*) We’re still in a phase that’s not quite philosophy in a standard sense of the word, but nonetheless light years away from even starting to program the damn thing, and although learning functional programming from SICP is all good and well due to its mind-expanding effects, going into specifics of designing programs for parallel architectures or learning about various techniques for numerical integration is … well, I’d rather invest my time in going through the Princeton Companion to get a nice bird’s eye view of math, or grab Pearl’s Probabilistic Reasoning in Intelligent Systems and Causality to get a feel for what a formal treatment/reduction of an intuitive concept looks like, and leave numerics and other software design issues for a time when they become relevant.
Apart from Numerical Analysis and Parallel Computing which seem a bit out of place here (*), and swapping Bishop’s Pattern Recognition for Murphy’s ML: A Probabilistic Perspective or perhaps Barber’s freely available Bayesian Reasoning and ML, this is actually quite a nice list—if complemented with Vladimir Nesov’s. ;)
(*) We’re still in a phase that’s not quite philosophy in a standard sense of the word, but nonetheless light years away from even starting to program the damn thing, and although learning functional programming from SICP is all good and well due to its mind-expanding effects, going into specifics of designing programs for parallel architectures or learning about various techniques for numerical integration is … well, I’d rather invest my time in going through the Princeton Companion to get a nice bird’s eye view of math, or grab Pearl’s Probabilistic Reasoning in Intelligent Systems and Causality to get a feel for what a formal treatment/reduction of an intuitive concept looks like, and leave numerics and other software design issues for a time when they become relevant.