Difficult question. Do you mean also ten times faster to burn out? 10x more time to rest?
Or due to simulation not rest, just reboot?
Or permanently reboot to drug boosted level of brain emulation on ten times quicker substrate? (I am afraid of drugged society here)
And I am also afraid that ten time quicker farmer could not have ten time summer per year. :) So economic growth could be limited by some botlenecks. Probably not much faster.
Difficult question. Do you mean also ten times faster to burn out? 10x more time to rest? Or due to simulation not rest, just reboot?
Or permanently reboot to drug boosted level of brain emulation on ten times quicker substrate? (I am afraid of drugged society here)
And I am also afraid that ten time quicker farmer could not have ten time summer per year. :) So economic growth could be limited by some botlenecks. Probably not much faster.
What about ten time faster philosophic growth?